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Welance Boostrap

This is the main repository for Welance Boostrap.

A starting point servable through npm. View demo to see all features.

General Info

This project is inspired by the famous Twitter Bootstrap project. It uses similar base SASS mixins like @include make-col, @include make-row, etc. and it should be seen, like his famous predecessor, a Front-End tooling suite to quickly kick-start Welance projects.

It includes generic styling and components build by welance members for internal welance projects, but its default values can easily be overridden to build any sort of modern Web Application.

It does NOT have jQuery dependency (old-school approach), but uses the more modern single-file component approach offered by the VueJS framework 2.2+ together with HTML5 and SASS (flexbox).

This project features:

  • HTML5 + VueJS (ES6) components
  • SASS as CSS pre-processor with useful mixins and variables (Flexbox for grid)
  • Components w/ basic styling and default responsive capabilities

Check out package.json webpack.config.js and .babelrc to understand more about this project's dependencies.

Software Requirements

  • No specific SW requirements needed, see Installation solutions to possible errors section for more.

Application Requirements

  • node (6+) and NPM (4+)
  • Webpack (to publish to github pages)

Installation Instructions

  1. Install the latest node and NPM. (For future use, I suggest using NVM to manage both of these)
  2. Install webpack globally with npm install webpack -g (optional, suggested)
  3. Run npm install @welance/welance-bs IMPORTANT use the flag --save if you want to use the VueJS components or --save-dev if you're only going to use the SASS/CSS utilities (see public package here)

Installation solutions to possible errors

...if you get a mozjpeg pre-build test failed running npm install, run the following commands (as suggested here):

  1. brew install libpng (on OSX)
  2. brew install libtool automake autoconf nasm (on OSX)
  3. If you still get errors related to images (libpng, etc.) check out imagemin-webpack-plugin for alternative fixes


  1. Run webpack-dev-server with npm run dev and navigate to http://localhost:8080

The local dev server is available on any device on the network at http://yourIP:8080

Bundled (Production) Version

  1. Obtain bundled production app running npm run prod. Find production files under /dist folder.
  2. Run npm run deploy to publish the /dist folder to this URL.

Recovery Procedures

  • No specific Recovery procedures.

Project Documentation and Specification

  • Check out the demo page to learn about specific features and components you might want to implement in your new website
  • For developers and designers, please check out the wiki page that explains basic ideas behind this bootstrapping project

Contribution guidelines

  • Read Welance Development Guidelines
  • Install Vue.JS devtools for easier Front-End debugging
  • Check out the demo page to learn about specific features and components you might want to implement in your new website
  • For developers and designers, please check out the wiki page that explains basic ideas behind this bootstrapping project
  • clone/fork the repo to contribute and send pull-requests!

  • When you need to refer to static assets, always reference like /assets/[folder]/[folder_or_file].[extension] in both HTML, SASS and JS files

  1. Use exclusively npm to install new modules

Who do I talk to?

For more info you can ask enrico. Check this project's open issues to see what needs to be developed!