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Wellington Costa edited this page Apr 26, 2018 · 7 revisions

This wiki represents the Convalida docs.



The main motivation is to facilitate the writing and maintenance of Android applications.

In addition, another goal is to increase the developers productivity in Android applications development, in such a way that developers not despend a lot of time to write code for fields validation.


Developers can define which the validation rule will be applied to the fields through annotations or XML properties, and let Convalida generates the fields validation code at compile time.

Current supported validations

  • Required Fields
  • E-mail Fields
  • Confirm E-mail Fields
  • Min/Max Fields
  • Only Number Fields
  • Regex Fields
  • Password Fields
  • Confirm Password Fields
  • Cpf Fields (Brazilian Personal Number)
  • Difference Between Fields

More details

See Using With Annotations and Using With Data Binding pages for more details about how to use the Convalida library.

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