[MICCAI 2024] The official code repository for paper "FairDiff: Fair Segmentation with Point-Image Diffusion".
You can install the necessary dependencies using the provided conda environment YAML file:
# Create the environment
conda env create -f env.yml
# Activate the environment
conda activate FairDiff
Please follow the instruction in this link to download Harvard-FairSeg Dataset in .npz
Convert the original fundus data ( .npz
format) to images and labels ( .png
format). Ensure to modify the data path accordingly:
python data_convert.py
Note that there are several categories: 'ethnicity', 'gender', 'language', 'maritalstatus', and 'race'. Each category contains different attributes. For example, under the gender category, there are two attributes: Female and Male.
cd PointMaskGen/data/pointcloud
python labeloutline2pc.py --category_path /datasets/MedicalImage/txt/gender
# --category_path saves the image paths of all the attributes under a category.
python generate-txt.py --categories gender
cd Point-Image/Pointdiffusion
python train.py --categories gender --attributes Female
python inference.py --categories gender --attributes Female --resume_path xxx.ckpt
We utilize ControlNet to generate images from masks.
Train a mask-image generation model for each group with different sensitive attributes to generate corresponding images:
cd MaskImageGen
python train.py --attr_type <attr> --name <specific attribute to train>
Generate corresponding images using:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python infer.py \
--attr_type ${ATTR_TYPE} --name ${NAME} \
--ckpt ${CHECKPOINT} \
--images 10000 \
--save_path ${SAVE_PATH}
bash infer.sh
After generating images, pack images and labels into .npz
files for the next segmentation task:
python packing.py
files contain the following keys:
: Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) fundus image -
: Disc and cup masks for the corresponding SLO fundus image -
: Patient's age -
: 0 - Female, 1 - Male -
: 0 - Asian, 1 - Black, 2 - White -
: 0 - Non-Hispanic, 1 - Hispanic, -1 - Unknown -
: 0 - English, 1 - Spanish, 2 - Others, -1 - Unknown -
: 0 - Married or Partnered, 1 - Single, 2 - Divorced, 3 - Widowed, 4 - Legally Separated, -1 - Unknown
To assess the generation quality, employ FID, minimum matching distance (MMD), and coverage score (COV):
Calculate FID:
python -m pytorch_fid path/to/dataset1 path/to/dataset2
Calculate MMD and COV:
python evaluate.py --ref_folder original_image_path --gen_folder generate_image_path --csv_path save_path
To verify the impact of our synthetic data on segmentation and fairness, we selected two segmentation models, including a classic model TransUNet and a larger model SAMed.
# Using TransUNet
cd Segmentation/TransUNet
# Using SAMed
cd Segmentation/SAMed
In order to ensure that the data used in all experiments is strictly consistent, the mixing methods of different types of data and the usage of synthetic data under different conditions have been written into txt
files and stored in the lists/
You can use the command below for more data list generation.
python data_combination.py
In order to visually demonstrate our experimental process, the list files generated in our environment have not been deleted, but have been anonymized.
First, prepare the dataset according to the synthesis and balancing methods mentioned in the paper, and use the generated list mentioned above for the experiment you want to complete.
In train.sh
, please specify the base_dir, list_dir and attributes you want to use. Finally, run this command.
For testing, please specify the base_dir, attribute, path of pretrained lora checkpoint, and output_dir. Then run this command.
Coming Soon...