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You can also install the library from source using CMake.

# clone imath from GitHub
git clone ./imath

# make a build directory
cd ./imath/src
mkdir build
cd build

# generate Makefiles and install
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/imath/install/location


MSVS_2010-2017 Open-File ( IMath.sln )

For example, /imath/install/location could be /usr/local/.


IMath is set of C++ classes for Vector and Matrix algebra used in computer graphics and relativity physics . The library consits of these classes:

Complex - two dimensional complex number for 2D 
Vector2 - two dimensional vector for 2D vertices and texture coordinates
Vector3 - three dimensional vector for 3D vertices, normals and texture coordinates and also for color
Vector4 - four dimensional vector for 3D vertices and 4D vecrtices, normals, texture coordinates and color with alpha channell.
LoretzVector - four dimensional vector for 4D relativity physics 
Matrix3 - matrix 3x3 for rotation (used in ODE)
Matrix4 - matrix 4x4 for general geometrix transformations
Quaternion - quaternion re 3x im 1x, for rotation_3D
Octonion - Octonion re 7x im 1x, for rotation_6D


Note that this library is set of C++ class that has all(!) method inlined. (for performance reasons)


basic aritemetic operations - using operators
basic linear algebra operations - such as transpose, dot product, etc.
aliasis for vertex coordinates - it means:
Vector3f v;
// use vertex coordinates
v.x = 1; v.y = 2; v.z = -1;
// use texture coordinates
v.s = 0; v.t = 1; v.u = 0.5;
// use color coordinates
v.r = 1; v.g = 0.5; v.b = 0;

   conversion constructor and assign operators - so you can assign a value of IVector3D type to a variable of IVector3D type for any convertable T1, T2 type pairs. In other words, you can do this: Vector3f f3; Vector3d d3 = f3; ... f3 = d3;


   Classes IVector2D, IVector3D, IVector4D are supposed to be stable. I have been using these libraries for two or three years.    Classes IMatrix3x3, IMatrix4x4 were tested for barely all operations and seems to be everything OK.    Class IQuaternion was tested for barely all operations and seems to be good.


You can pass vector or matrix class directly as argument appropriate OpenGL function,

        Vector2f t;
        Vector3f n,v;
        Matrix4f transform;


GCE-IMath is a header-only library and does not require any additional libraries (beyond a C++11 compatible compiler). Simply add the header files to your project using:

#include "IMath/IMaths.h"


To calculate 10!:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>

#include "IMath/IMaths.h"

using namespace std;

typedef IMath::Real scalar;

typedef IMath::IVector2D<scalar>       Vector2;
typedef IMath::IVector3D<scalar>       Vector3;
typedef IMath::IVector4D<scalar>       Vector4;
typedef IMath::ILorentzVector<scalar>  LorentzVector;
typedef IMath::IMatrix2x2<scalar>      Matrix2;
typedef IMath::IMatrix3x3<scalar>      Matrix3;
typedef IMath::IMatrix4x4<scalar>      Matrix4;
typedef IMath::IQuaternion<scalar>     Quaternion;
typedef IMath::IRay<scalar>            Ray;
typedef IMath::ITransform<scalar>      Transform;
typedef IMath::IComplex<scalar>        Complex;
typedef IMath::IOctonion<scalar>       Octonion;
typedef IMath::ILine3D<scalar>         Line3;
typedef IMath::ILineSegment3D<scalar>  LineSegment3;
typedef IMath::IPlane<scalar>          Plane;
typedef IMath::IMatrix<scalar,3,3>     Matrix;

template<class T>
class Vec3 : public IMath::IVector<T,3>
    Vec3(T _x , T _y , T _z)

    T x() const { return this->Ptr()[0];}
    T y() const { return this->Ptr()[1];}
    T z() const { return this->Ptr()[2];}

    void setX(T _x) { this->Ptr()[0] = _x;}
    void setY(T _y) { this->Ptr()[0] = _y;}
    void setZ(T _z) { this->Ptr()[0] = _z;}


using Vec3i = Vec3<int>;
using Vec3f = Vec3<float>;
using Vec3d = Vec3<double>;

template<class T>
class Vec4 : public IMath::IVector<T,4>



    Vec4(T _x , T _y , T _z, T _w)

    T x() const { return this->Ptr()[0];}
    T y() const { return this->Ptr()[1];}
    T z() const { return this->Ptr()[2];}

    void setX(T _x) { this->Ptr()[0] = _x;}
    void setY(T _y) { this->Ptr()[0] = _y;}
    void setZ(T _z) { this->Ptr()[0] = _z;}


using Vec4i = Vec4<int>;
using Vec4f = Vec4<float>;
using Vec4d = Vec4<double>;

template<class T>
class Mat3x3 : public IMath::IMatrix<T,3,3>
    Mat3x3(T _m00 , T _m01 , T _m02 ,
           T _m10 , T _m11 , T _m12 ,
           T _m20 , T _m21 , T _m22)
        this->Set(_m00 , _m01 , _m02 ,
                  _m10 , _m11 , _m12 ,
                  _m20 , _m21 , _m22);

using Mat3x3i = Mat3x3<int>;
using Mat3x3f = Mat3x3<float>;
using Mat3x3d = Mat3x3<double>;

template<class T>
class Mat4x4 : public IMath::IMatrix<T,4,4>
    Mat4x4(T _m00 , T _m01 , T _m02 ,T _m03,
           T _m10 , T _m11 , T _m12 ,T _m13,
           T _m20 , T _m21 , T _m22 ,T _m23,
           T _m30 , T _m31 , T _m32 ,T _m33)
        this->Set(_m00 , _m01 , _m02 , _m03 ,
                  _m10 , _m11 , _m12 , _m13 ,
                  _m20 , _m21 , _m22 , _m23 ,
                  _m30 , _m31 , _m32 , _m33);

using Mat4x4i = Mat4x4<int>;
using Mat4x4f = Mat4x4<float>;
using Mat4x4d = Mat4x4<double>;

int main()
    cout << "Hello World! - Unit Testing" << endl;

        cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
        cout<< "---- Unit test IVector<float,2> -----" <<endl<<endl;

        IMath::IVector<float,2> v0({7.f , 3.f});
        IMath::IVector<float,2> v1({1 , 6});

        cout<< "----constant operator----" <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,2>:  " <<  v0 << " + " << v1 << " = " << (v0 + v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,2>:  " <<  v0 << " - " << v1 << " = " << (v0 - v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,2>:  " <<  v0 << " * " << v1 << " = " << (v0 * v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,2>:  " <<  v0 << " / " << v1 << " = " << (v0 / v1) <<endl;
        cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,2>:  " <<  v0 << " += " << v1 << " = " << (v0 += v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,2>:  " <<  v0 << " -= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 -= v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,2>:  " <<  v0 << " *= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 *= v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,2>:  " <<  v0 << " /= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 /= v1) <<endl;
        cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,2>:  " <<  v0 << " .dot " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Dot(v1)) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,2>:  " <<  v0 << " .angle " << v1 << " = " << (v0.AngleBetween(v1)) <<endl;
        cout << "----function operator----" <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,2>:  " <<  v0 << ".lengthSquare" << " = " << v0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,2>:  " <<  v0 << ".length" << " = " << v0.Length() <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,2>:  " <<  v0 << ".inverse" << " = " << v0.Inverse() <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,2>:  " <<  v0 << ".unit" << " = " << v0.GetUnit() <<endl;
        IMath::IVector<float,2> v = v0; v.Normalize();
        cout << " Vector<float,2>:  " <<  v0 << ".normalize" << " = " << v <<endl;


        cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
        cout<< "---- Unit test Vector<float,3> -----" <<endl<<endl;

        IMath::IVector<float,3> v0({7 , 3 , 1});
        IMath::IVector<float,3> v1({1 , 6 , 8});

        cout<< "----constant operator----" <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,3>:  " <<  v0 << " + " << v1 << " = " << (v0 + v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,3>:  " <<  v0 << " - " << v1 << " = " << (v0 - v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,3>:  " <<  v0 << " * " << v1 << " = " << (v0 * v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,3>:  " <<  v0 << " / " << v1 << " = " << (v0 / v1) <<endl;
        cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,3>:  " <<  v0 << " += " << v1 << " = " << (v0 += v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,3>:  " <<  v0 << " -= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 -= v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,3>:  " <<  v0 << " *= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 *= v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,3>:  " <<  v0 << " /= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 /= v1) <<endl;
        cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,3>:  " <<  v0 << " .dot " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Dot(v1)) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,3>:  " <<  v0 << " .cross " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Cross(v1)) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,3>:  " <<  v0 << " .angle " << v1 << " = " << (v0.AngleBetween(v1)) <<endl;
        cout << "----function operator----" <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,3>:  " <<  v0 << ".lengthSquare" << " = " << v0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,3>:  " <<  v0 << ".length" << " = " << v0.Length() <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,3>:  " <<  v0 << ".inverse" << " = " << v0.Inverse() <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,3>:  " <<  v0 << ".unit" << " = " << v0.GetUnit() <<endl;
        IMath::IVector<float,3> v = v0; v.Normalize();
        cout << " Vector<float,3>:  " <<  v0 << ".normalize" << " = " << v <<endl;



        cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
        cout<< "---- Unit test Vector<float,4> -----" <<endl<<endl;

        IMath::IVector<float,4> v0({7 , 3 , 1, 2});
        IMath::IVector<float,4> v1({1 , 6 , 8, 9});

        IMath::IVector<float,4> c({1 , 1 , 2, 9});

        cout<< "----constant operator----" <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,4>:  " <<  v0 << " + " << v1 << " = " << (v0 + v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,4>:  " <<  v0 << " - " << v1 << " = " << (v0 - v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,4>:  " <<  v0 << " * " << v1 << " = " << (v0 * v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,4>:  " <<  v0 << " / " << v1 << " = " << (v0 / v1) <<endl;
        cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,4>:  " <<  v0 << " += " << v1 << " = " << (v0 += v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,4>:  " <<  v0 << " -= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 -= v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,4>:  " <<  v0 << " *= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 *= v1) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,4>:  " <<  v0 << " /= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 /= v1) <<endl;
        cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,4>:  " <<  v0 << " .dot " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Dot(v1)) <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,4>:  " <<  v0 << " .cross " << v1 << "," << c << " = " << (v0.Cross(v1,c)) <<endl;
        //cout << " Vector<float,4>:  " <<  v0 << " .angle " << v1 << " = " << (v0.getAngleBetween(v1)) <<endl;
        cout << "----function operator----" <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,4>:  " <<  v0 << ".lengthSquare" << " = " << v0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,4>:  " <<  v0 << ".length" << " = " << v0.Length() <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,4>:  " <<  v0 << ".inverse" << " = " << v0.Inverse() <<endl;
        cout << " Vector<float,4>:  " <<  v0 << ".unit" << " = " << v0.GetUnit() <<endl;
        IMath::IVector<float,4> v = v0; v.Normalize();
        cout << "Vector<float,4>:  " <<  v0 << ".normalize" << " = " << v <<endl;



        cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
        cout<< "---- Unit test Matrix<float,2,2> -----" <<endl<<endl;

        IMath::IMatrix<float,2,2> m0({-2.0 , 7.0 ,
                                      -4.0 , 2.0});
        IMath::IMatrix<float,2,2> m1({3.0 , 1.0 ,
                                      2.0 , 4.0});

        cout << "------ operator + --------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " + " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 + m1) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator - --------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " - " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 - m1) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator += -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " += " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 += m1) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator -= -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " -= " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 -= m1) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 * m1) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 * m1.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;

        scalar mT = 8.9;

        cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
        cout<< mT <<endl;
        cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 * mT) <<endl<<endl;

//        cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
//        cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
//        cout<< mT <<endl;
//        cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
//        cout<< (m0 / mT) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator *= -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " *= " <<endl ;
        cout<< mT <<endl;
        cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 *= mT) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator /= -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " /= " <<endl ;
        cout<< mT <<endl;
        cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 /= mT) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ Matrix Function -------" <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0  <<endl ;
        cout<<  " .determinat = " << (m0.Determinant()) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0  <<endl ;
        cout<<  " .trace = " << (m0.Trace()) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0  <<endl ;
        cout<<  " .inverse = " <<endl;
        cout<< (m0.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0  <<endl ;
        cout<<  " .transpose = " <<endl;
        cout<< (m0.Transpose()) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0  <<endl ;
        cout<<  " .absolute = " <<endl;
        cout<< (m0.AbsoluteMatrix()) <<endl<<endl;



        cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
        cout<< "---- Unit test Matrix<float,3,3> -----" <<endl<<endl;

        IMath::IMatrix<float,3,3> m0({-2.0 , 7.0 , 1.1 ,
                                      -4.0 , 2.0 , 2.5 ,
                                       2.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 });

        IMath::IMatrix<float,3,3> m1({ 3.0 , 1.0 , 1.1 ,
                                       2.0 , 4.0 , 2.1 ,
                                       1.0 , 5.0 , 1.0});

        cout << "------ operator + --------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " + " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 + m1) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator - --------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " - " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 - m1) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator += -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " += " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 += m1) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator -= -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " -= " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 -= m1) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 * m1) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 * m1.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;

        float mT = 8.9;

        cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
        cout<< mT <<endl;
        cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 * mT) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
        cout<< mT <<endl;
        cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
        //cout<< (m0 / mT) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator *= -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " *= " <<endl ;
        cout<< mT <<endl;
        cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 *= mT) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator /= -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " /= " <<endl ;
        cout<< mT <<endl;
        cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 /= mT) <<endl<<endl;

        IMath::IVector<float,3> mV({2,4,4});

        cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
        cout<< mV <<endl;
        cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (mV * m0) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
        cout<< mV <<endl;
        cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0.Inverse() * mV) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ Matrix Function -------" <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0  <<endl ;
        cout<<  " .determinat = " << (m0.Determinant()) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0  <<endl ;
        cout<<  " .trace = " << (m0.Trace()) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0  <<endl ;
        cout<<  " .inverse = " <<endl;
        cout<< (m0.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0  <<endl ;
        cout<<  " .transpose = " <<endl;
        cout<< (m0.Transpose()) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0  <<endl ;
        cout<<  " .absolute = " <<endl;
        cout<< (m0.AbsoluteMatrix()) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0  <<endl ;
        cout<<  " .diagonalize = " <<endl;
        cout<< (m0.Diagonalize())<<endl;



        cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
        cout<< "---- Unit test Matrix<float,4,4> -----" <<endl<<endl;

        IMath::IMatrix<float,4,4> m0({ -2.0 , 7.0 , 1.1 , 2.2 ,
                                       -4.0 , 2.0 , 2.5 , 3.3 ,
                                        2.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 2.3 ,
                                        1.0 , 2.0 , 4.0 , 8.8});

        IMath::IMatrix<float,4,4> m1({3.0 , 1.0 , 1.1 , 2.0 ,
                                      2.0 , 4.0 , 2.1 , 1.0 ,
                                      1.0 , 5.0 , 1.0 , 2.2 ,
                                      1.0 , 2.0 , 2.0 , 3.3});

        cout << "------ operator + --------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " + "  <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 + m1) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator - --------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " - " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 - m1) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator += -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " += " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 += m1) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator -= -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " -= " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 -= m1) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 * m1) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
        cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 * m1.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;

        scalar mT = 8.9;

        cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
        cout<< mT <<endl;
        cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 * mT) <<endl<<endl;

//        cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
//        cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
//        cout<< mT <<endl;
//        cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
//        cout<< (m0 / mT) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator *= -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " *= " <<endl ;
        cout<< mT <<endl;
        cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 *= mT) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator /= -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " /= " <<endl ;
        cout<< mT <<endl;
        cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 /= mT) <<endl<<endl;

        IMath::IVector<float,4> _mV({2,4,4 ,2.3});

        cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
        cout<< _mV <<endl;
        cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0 * _mV) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
        cout<< _mV <<endl;
        cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
        cout<< (m0.Inverse() * _mV) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------ Matrix Function -------" <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0  <<endl ;
        cout<<  " .determinat = " << (m0.Determinant()) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0  <<endl ;
        cout<<  " .trace = " << (m0.Trace()) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0  <<endl ;
        cout<<  " .inverse = " <<endl;
        cout<< (m0.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0  <<endl ;
        cout<<  " .transpose = " <<endl;
        cout<< (m0.Transpose()) <<endl<<endl;

        cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
        cout<< m0  <<endl ;
        cout<<  " .absolute = " <<endl;
        cout<< (m0.AbsoluteMatrix()) <<endl<<endl;



            cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
            cout<< "---- Unit test Vector2 -----" <<endl<<endl;

            Vector2 v0(7 , 3);
            Vector2 v1(1 , 6);

            cout<< "----constant operator----" <<endl;
            cout << " Vector2:  " <<  v0 << " + " << v1 << " = " << (v0 + v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector2:  " <<  v0 << " - " << v1 << " = " << (v0 - v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector2:  " <<  v0 << " * " << v1 << " = " << (v0 * v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector2:  " <<  v0 << " / " << v1 << " = " << (v0 / v1) <<endl;
            cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
            cout << " Vector2:  " <<  v0 << " += " << v1 << " = " << (v0 += v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector2:  " <<  v0 << " -= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 -= v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector2:  " <<  v0 << " *= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 *= v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector2:  " <<  v0 << " /= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 /= v1) <<endl;
            cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
            cout << " Vector2:  " <<  v0 << " .dot " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Dot(v1)) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector2:  " <<  v0 << " .cross " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Cross(v1)) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector2:  " <<  v0 << " .angle " << v1 << " = " << (v0.AngleBetween(v1)) <<endl;
            cout << "----function operator----" <<endl;
            cout << " Vector2:  " <<  v0 << ".lengthSquare" << " = " << v0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
            cout << " Vector2:  " <<  v0 << ".length" << " = " << v0.Length() <<endl;
            cout << " Vector2:  " <<  v0 << ".inverse" << " = " << v0.Inverse() <<endl;
            cout << " Vector2:  " <<  v0 << ".unit" << " = " << v0.GetUnit() <<endl;
            Vector2 v = v0; v.Normalize();
            cout << " Vector2:  " <<  v0 << ".normalize" << " = " << v <<endl;


            cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
            cout<< "---- Unit test Vector3 -----" <<endl<<endl;

            Vector3 v0(7 , 3 , 1);
            Vector3 v1(1 , 6 , 8);

            cout<< "----constant operator----" <<endl;
            cout << " Vector3:  " <<  v0 << " + " << v1 << " = " << (v0 + v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector3:  " <<  v0 << " - " << v1 << " = " << (v0 - v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector3:  " <<  v0 << " * " << v1 << " = " << (v0 * v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector3:  " <<  v0 << " / " << v1 << " = " << (v0 / v1) <<endl;
            cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
            cout << " Vector3:  " <<  v0 << " += " << v1 << " = " << (v0 += v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector3:  " <<  v0 << " -= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 -= v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector3:  " <<  v0 << " *= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 *= v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector3:  " <<  v0 << " /= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 /= v1) <<endl;
            cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
            cout << " Vector3:  " <<  v0 << " .dot " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Dot(v1)) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector3:  " <<  v0 << " .cross " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Cross(v1)) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector3:  " <<  v0 << " .angle " << v1 << " = " << (v0.AngleBetween(v1)) <<endl;
            cout << "----function operator----" <<endl;
            cout << " Vector3:  " <<  v0 << ".lengthSquare" << " = " << v0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
            cout << " Vector3:  " <<  v0 << ".length" << " = " << v0.Length() <<endl;
            cout << " Vector3:  " <<  v0 << ".inverse" << " = " << v0.Inverse() <<endl;
            cout << " Vector3:  " <<  v0 << ".unit" << " = " << v0.GetUnit() <<endl;
            Vector3 v = v0; v.Normalize();
            cout << " Vector3:  " <<  v0 << ".normalize" << " = " << v <<endl;



            cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
            cout<< "---- Unit test Vector4 -----" <<endl<<endl;

            Vector4 v0(7 , 3 , 1, 2);
            Vector4 v1(1 , 6 , 8, 9);

            cout<< "----constant operator----" <<endl;
            cout << " Vector4:  " <<  v0 << " + " << v1 << " = " << (v0 + v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector4:  " <<  v0 << " - " << v1 << " = " << (v0 - v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector4:  " <<  v0 << " * " << v1 << " = " << (v0 * v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector4:  " <<  v0 << " / " << v1 << " = " << (v0 / v1) <<endl;
            cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
            cout << " Vector4:  " <<  v0 << " += " << v1 << " = " << (v0 += v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector4:  " <<  v0 << " -= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 -= v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector4:  " <<  v0 << " *= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 *= v1) <<endl;
            cout << " Vector4:  " <<  v0 << " /= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 /= v1) <<endl;
            cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
            cout << " Vector4:  " <<  v0 << " .dot " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Dot(v1)) <<endl;
            //cout << " Vector4:  " <<  v0 << " .cross " << v1 << " = " << (v0.cross(v1)) <<endl;
            //cout << " Vector4:  " <<  v0 << " .angle " << v1 << " = " << (v0.getAngleBetween(v1)) <<endl;
            cout << "----function operator----" <<endl;
            cout << " Vector4:  " <<  v0 << ".lengthSquare" << " = " << v0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
            cout << " Vector4:  " <<  v0 << ".length" << " = " << v0.Length() <<endl;
            cout << " Vector4:  " <<  v0 << ".inverse" << " = " << v0.Inverse() <<endl;
            cout << " Vector4:  " <<  v0 << ".unit" << " = " << v0.GetUnit() <<endl;
            Vector4 v = v0; v.Normalize();
            cout << " Vector4:  " <<  v0 << ".normalize" << " = " << v <<endl;



                cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
                cout<< "---- Unit test Complex -----" <<endl<<endl;

                Complex c0(0.5,0.1);
                Complex c1(0.1,2.0);

                cout<< c0 << " + " << c1 << " = " << c0 + c1 <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << " - " << c1 << " = " << c0 - c1 <<endl;

                cout<< c0 << " * " << c1 << " = " << c0 * c1 <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << " / " << c1 << " = " << c0 / c1 <<endl;

                cout<< c0 << " += " << c1 << " = "; (c0 += c1);
                cout<< c0 <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << " -= " << c1 << " = "; (c0 -= c1);
                cout<< c0 <<endl;

                scalar mT = 2.8;

                cout<< c0 << " + " << mT << " = " <<  c0 + mT <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << " - " << mT << " = " <<  c0 - mT <<endl;

                cout<< c0 << " * " << mT << " = " <<  c0 * mT <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << " / " << mT << " = " <<  c0 / mT <<endl;

                cout<< "-----------Function-----------" <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".lengthSquare = " << c0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".length = " << c0.Length() <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".argument =" << c0.GetArgument() <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".conjugate =" << c0.GetConjugate() <<endl;

                cout<< "-----------Complex Function-----------" <<endl;

                cout<< c0 << ".exp = " << Complex::Exp(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".log = " << Complex::Log(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".sqrt = " << Complex::Sqrt(c0) <<endl;

                cout<< "-----------Triqonometriya Function-----------" <<endl;

                cout<< c0 << ".sin = " << Complex::Sin(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".cos = " << Complex::Cos(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".tan = " << Complex::Tan(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".sec = " << Complex::Sec(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".csc = " << Complex::Csc(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".cot = " << Complex::Cot(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".sinh = " << Complex::Sinh(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".cosh = " << Complex::Cosh(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".tanh = " << Complex::Tanh(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".sech = " << Complex::Sech(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".csch = " << Complex::Csch(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".coth = " << Complex::Coth(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".asin = " << Complex::Asin(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".acos = " << Complex::Acos(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".atan = " << Complex::Atan(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".asinh = " << Complex::Asinh(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".acosh = " << Complex::Acosh(c0) <<endl;
                cout<< c0 << ".atanh = " << Complex::Atanh(c0) <<endl;



                cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
                cout<< "---- Unit test Quaternion -----" <<endl<<endl;

                Quaternion q0( 0 , 0 , 1.0 , 0.5 );
                Quaternion q1( 0.1 , 0 , 1.5 , 0.025 );

                cout<< "-----------operators-----------" <<endl;

                cout<< q0 << " +  " << q1 << " = " << (q0 + q1) <<endl;
                cout<< q0 << " -  " << q1 << " = " << (q0 - q1) <<endl;

                cout<< q0 << " += " << q1 << " = "; (q0 += q1);
                cout << q0 <<endl;
                cout<< q0 << " -= " << q1 << " = "; (q0 -= q1);
                cout << q0 <<endl;
                cout<< q0 << " *  " << q1 << " = " << (q0 * q1) <<endl;

                cout<< q0 << " *=  " << q1 << " = "; (q0 *= q1);
                cout<< q0 <<endl;

                scalar mT = 9.8;

                cout<< q0 << " *  " << mT << " = " << (q0 * mT) <<endl;
                cout<< q0 << " /  " << mT << " = " << (q0 / mT) <<endl;

                cout<< q0 << " *=  " << mT << " = "; (q0 *= mT);
                cout<< q0 <<endl;
                cout<< q0 << " /=  " << mT << " = "; (q0 /= mT);
                cout<< q0 <<endl;
                cout<<endl <<endl;

                cout<< "-----------Function-----------" <<endl;
                cout<< q0 << ".lengthSquare = " << q0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
                cout<< q0 << ".length = " << q0.Length() <<endl;
                cout<< q0 << ".conjugate =" << q0.GetConjugate() <<endl;
                cout<< q0 << ".inverse = " << q0.GetInverse() <<endl;
                cout<< q0 << ".unit = " << q0.GetUnit() <<endl;
                cout<< q0 << ".Angle =" << q0.GetAngle() <<endl;
                cout<< q0 << ".EulerAngle =" << q0.GetEulerAngles() <<endl;
                cout<< q0 << ".exponent = " << q0.Exp() <<endl;
                cout<< q0 << ".logarithm = " << q0.Log() <<endl;
                cout<< q0 << ".Matrix3x3 = " << endl;
                cout<< q0.GetRotMatrix() <<endl;


                    cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
                    cout<< "---- Unit test Octonion -----" <<endl<<endl;

                    Octonion OC0(1.0 , 2.0 , 1.1 , 2.2 ,
                                 1.4 , 4.1 , 4.1 , 4.1);

                    Octonion OC1(1.4 , 1.0 , 2.1 , 2.2 ,
                                 2.4 , 1.1 , 3.1 , 1.1);

                    scalar t = 2.3;

                    Complex c( 1.2 , 2.1);

                    Quaternion q( 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.4 , 4.4 );

                    cout<< "-----------------operators-------------------" <<endl;

                    cout<< OC0 << " + " << t << " = " << (OC0 + t) << endl;
                    cout<< OC0 << " + " << c << " = " << (OC0 + c) << endl;
                    cout<< OC0 << " + " << q << " = " << (OC0 + q) << endl;
                    cout<< OC0 << " + " << OC1 << " = " << (OC0 + OC1) << endl;

                    cout<< " ---------------------------------------- " <<endl;

                    cout<< OC0 << " - " << t << " = " << (OC0 - t) << endl;
                    cout<< OC0 << " - " << c << " = " << (OC0 - c) << endl;
                    cout<< OC0 << " - " << q << " = " << (OC0 - q) << endl;
                    cout<< OC0 << " - " << OC1 << " = " << (OC0 - OC1) << endl;

                    cout<< " ---------------------------------------- " <<endl;

                    cout<< OC0 << " * " << t << " = " << (OC0 * t) << endl;
                    cout<< OC0 << " * " << c << " = " << (OC0 * c) << endl;
                    cout<< OC0 << " * " << q << " = " << (OC0 * q) << endl;
                    cout<< OC0 << " * " << OC1 << " = " << (OC0 * OC1) << endl;

                    cout<< " ---------------------------------------- " <<endl;

                    cout<< OC0 << " / " << t << " = " << (OC0 / t) << endl;
                    cout<< OC0 << " / " << c << " = " << (OC0 / c) << endl;
                    cout<< OC0 << " / " << q << " = " << (OC0 / q) << endl;
                    cout<< OC0 << " / " << OC1 << " = " << (OC0 / OC1) << endl;

                    cout<< "-----------------Function-------------------" <<endl;

                    cout << OC0 << " .lenght = " << OC0.Length() <<endl;
                    cout << OC0 << " .lenghtSquare = " << OC0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
                    cout << OC0 << " .norm = " << OC0.Norm() <<endl;
                    cout << OC0 << " .abs = " << OC0.Abs() <<endl;
                    cout << OC0 << " .conjugate = " << OC0.GetConjugate() <<endl;
                    cout << OC0 << " .exponenta = " << Octonion::Exp(OC0) <<endl;

                    cout << OC0 << " .cosinus = " << Octonion::Cos(OC0) <<endl;
                    cout << OC0 << " .sininus = " << Octonion::Sin(OC0) <<endl;
                    cout << OC0 << " .tanget  = " << Octonion::Tan(OC0) <<endl;

                    cout << OC0 << " .hyperbolic cosinus = " << Octonion::Cosh(OC0) <<endl;
                    cout << OC0 << " .hyperbolic sininus = " << Octonion::Sinh(OC0) <<endl;
                    cout << OC0 << " .hyperbolic tanget  = " << Octonion::Tanh(OC0) <<endl;



                    cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
                    cout<< "---- Unit test Matrix_2x2 -----" <<endl<<endl;

                    Matrix2 m0( -2.0 , 7.0 ,
                                -4.0 , 2.0);
                    Matrix2 m1( 3.0 , 1.0 ,
                                2.0 , 4.0);

                    cout << "------ operator + --------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " + " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 + m1) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator - --------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " - " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 - m1) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator += -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " += " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 += m1) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator -= -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " -= " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 -= m1) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 * m1) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 * m1.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;

                    scalar mT = 8.9;

                    cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mT <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 * mT) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mT <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 / mT) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator *= -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " *= " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mT <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 *= mT) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator /= -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " /= " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mT <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 /= mT) <<endl<<endl;

                    Vector2 mV(2,4);

                    cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mV <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 * mV) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mV <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0.Inverse() * mV) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ Matrix Function -------" <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0  <<endl ;
                    cout<<  " .determinat = " << (m0.Determinant()) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0  <<endl ;
                    cout<<  " .trace = " << (m0.Trace()) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0  <<endl ;
                    cout<<  " .inverse = " <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0  <<endl ;
                    cout<<  " .transpose = " <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0.Transpose()) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0  <<endl ;
                    cout<<  " .absolute = " <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0.AbsoluteMatrix()) <<endl<<endl;



                    cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
                    cout<< "---- Unit test Matrix_3x3 -----" <<endl<<endl;

                    Matrix3 m0( -2.0 , 7.0 , 1.1 ,
                                -4.0 , 2.0 , 2.5 ,
                                2.0 , 1.0 , 1.0);

                    Matrix3 m1( 3.0 , 1.0 , 1.1 ,
                                2.0 , 4.0 , 2.1 ,
                                1.0 , 5.0 , 1.0);

                    cout << "------ operator + --------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " + " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 + m1) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator - --------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " - " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 - m1) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator += -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " += " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 += m1) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator -= -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " -= " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 -= m1) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 * m1) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 * m1.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;

                    scalar mT = 8.9;

                    cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mT <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 * mT) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mT <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 / mT) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator *= -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " *= " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mT <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 *= mT) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator /= -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " /= " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mT <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 /= mT) <<endl<<endl;

                    Vector3 mV(2,4,4);

                    cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mV <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (mV * m0) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mV <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0.Inverse() * mV) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ Matrix Function -------" <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0  <<endl ;
                    cout<<  " .determinat = " << (m0.Determinant()) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0  <<endl ;
                    cout<<  " .trace = " << (m0.Trace()) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0  <<endl ;
                    cout<<  " .inverse = " <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0  <<endl ;
                    cout<<  " .transpose = " <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0.Transpose()) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0  <<endl ;
                    cout<<  " .absolute = " <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0.AbsoluteMatrix()) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0  <<endl ;
                    cout<<  " .diagonalize = " <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0.Diagonalize(0.01 , 10)) <<endl<<endl;



                    cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
                    cout<< "---- Unit test Matrix_4x4 -----" <<endl<<endl;

                    Matrix4 m0( -2.0 , 7.0 , 1.1 , 2.2 ,
                                -4.0 , 2.0 , 2.5 , 3.3 ,
                                2.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 2.3 ,
                                1.0 , 2.0 , 4.0 , 8.8);

                    Matrix4 m1( 3.0 , 1.0 , 1.1 , 2.0 ,
                                2.0 , 4.0 , 2.1 , 1.0 ,
                                1.0 , 5.0 , 1.0 , 2.2 ,
                                1.0 , 2.0 , 2.0 , 3.3);

                    cout << "------ operator + --------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " + "  <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 + m1) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator - --------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " - " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 - m1) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator += -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " += " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 += m1) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator -= -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " -= " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 -= m1) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 * m1) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
                    cout<< m1 << " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 * m1.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;

                    scalar mT = 8.9;

                    cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mT <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 * mT) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mT <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 / mT) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator *= -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " *= " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mT <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 *= mT) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator /= -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " /= " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mT <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 /= mT) <<endl<<endl;

                    Vector3 mV(2,4,4);

                    cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mV <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 * mV) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
                    cout<< mV <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0.Inverse() * mV) <<endl<<endl;

                    Vector4 _mV(2,4,4 ,2.3);

                    cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
                    cout<< _mV <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0 * _mV) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
                    cout<< _mV <<endl;
                    cout<<  " = "  <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0.Inverse() * _mV) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------ Matrix Function -------" <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0  <<endl ;
                    cout<<  " .determinat = " << (m0.Determinant()) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0  <<endl ;
                    cout<<  " .trace = " << (m0.Trace()) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0  <<endl ;
                    cout<<  " .inverse = " <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0  <<endl ;
                    cout<<  " .transpose = " <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0.Transpose()) <<endl<<endl;

                    cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
                    cout<< m0  <<endl ;
                    cout<<  " .absolute = " <<endl;
                    cout<< (m0.AbsoluteMatrix()) <<endl<<endl;


                    cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
                    cout<< "---- Unit test Line3 -----" <<endl<<endl;

                    Vector3 A(1,2,3);
                    Vector3 B(9,6,3);
                    Vector3 C(0,9,4);
                    Vector3 D(0,0,1);

                    Line3 line_a(A,B-A);
                    Line3 line_b(C,D-C);

                    cout<<  " line_line_a " << line_a <<endl;
                    cout<<  " line_line_b " << line_b <<endl;

                    Vector3 cross_a;
                    Vector3 cross_b;
                    Line3::ClosestPoints(line_a , line_b , cross_a , cross_b);

                    cout<< endl;
                    cout<< " cross pointA in lineA to lineB: = " << cross_a <<endl;
                    cout<< " cross pointB in lineA to lineB: = " << cross_b <<endl;

                    cout<< " closset point B to point in lineA " << line_a.ClosestPoint(B) << endl;

                    cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
                    cout<< "---- Unit test LineSegment3 -----" <<endl<<endl;

                    Vector3 A(1,2,3);
                    Vector3 B(9,6,3);
                    Vector3 C(0,9,4);
                    Vector3 D(0,0,1);

                    LineSegment3 line_a(A,B);
                    LineSegment3 line_b(C,D);

                    cout<<  " line_segment_a " << line_a <<endl;
                    cout<<  " line_segment_b " << line_b <<endl;

                    Vector3 cross_a;
                    Vector3 cross_b;
                    LineSegment3::ClosestPoints(line_a , line_b , cross_a , cross_b);

                    cout<< endl;
                    cout<< " cross pointA in segmetnA to segmentB: = " << cross_a <<endl;
                    cout<< " cross pointB in segmetnA to segmentB: = " << cross_b <<endl;

                    cout<< " closset point B to point in segmentA " << line_a.ClosestPoint(B) << endl;

                    cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
                    cout<< "---- Unit test Euler Angle in Matrix3x3 -----" <<endl<<endl;

                    Vector3 eulerAngle( 0.5 , 0.7 , 0.1);

                    cout<< " ---------- push angle -------- " << endl;
                    cout<< "Set Angle X: " << eulerAngle.x << endl;
                    cout<< "Set Angle Y: " << eulerAngle.y << endl;
                    cout<< "Set Angle Z: " << eulerAngle.z << endl;
                    cout<< endl;
                    cout<< " ---------- extract angle -------- " << endl;

                    Matrix3 M;
                    M = M.CreateRotationEulerAngle( eulerAngle.x ,
                                                    eulerAngle.y ,
                                                    eulerAngle.z );

                    // eulerAngle =  Q.GetEulerAngleGimbalLock(Quaternion::RotSeq::xyz);
                    eulerAngle = Quaternion(M).GetRotMatrix().GetEulerAngles();

                    cout<< "Get Angle X: " << eulerAngle.x << endl;
                    cout<< "Get Angle Y: " << eulerAngle.y << endl;
                    cout<< "Get Angle Z: " << eulerAngle.z << endl;

    return 0;









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