You can also install the library from source using CMake.
# clone imath from GitHub
git clone ./imath
# make a build directory
cd ./imath/src
mkdir build
cd build
# generate Makefiles and install
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/imath/install/location
MSVS_2010-2017 Open-File ( IMath.sln )
For example, /imath/install/location
could be /usr/local/
IMath is set of C++ classes for Vector and Matrix algebra used in computer graphics and relativity physics . The library consits of these classes:
Complex - two dimensional complex number for 2D
Vector2 - two dimensional vector for 2D vertices and texture coordinates
Vector3 - three dimensional vector for 3D vertices, normals and texture coordinates and also for color
Vector4 - four dimensional vector for 3D vertices and 4D vecrtices, normals, texture coordinates and color with alpha channell.
LoretzVector - four dimensional vector for 4D relativity physics
Matrix3 - matrix 3x3 for rotation (used in ODE)
Matrix4 - matrix 4x4 for general geometrix transformations
Quaternion - quaternion re 3x im 1x, for rotation_3D
Octonion - Octonion re 7x im 1x, for rotation_6D
Note that this library is set of C++ class that has all(!) method inlined. (for performance reasons)
basic aritemetic operations - using operators
basic linear algebra operations - such as transpose, dot product, etc.
aliasis for vertex coordinates - it means:
Vector3f v;
// use vertex coordinates
v.x = 1; v.y = 2; v.z = -1;
// use texture coordinates
v.s = 0; v.t = 1; v.u = 0.5;
// use color coordinates
v.r = 1; v.g = 0.5; v.b = 0;
conversion constructor and assign operators - so you can assign a value of IVector3D type to a variable of IVector3D type for any convertable T1, T2 type pairs. In other words, you can do this: Vector3f f3; Vector3d d3 = f3; ... f3 = d3;
Classes IVector2D, IVector3D, IVector4D are supposed to be stable. I have been using these libraries for two or three years. Classes IMatrix3x3, IMatrix4x4 were tested for barely all operations and seems to be everything OK. Class IQuaternion was tested for barely all operations and seems to be good.
You can pass vector or matrix class directly as argument appropriate OpenGL function,
Vector2f t;
Vector3f n,v;
Matrix4f transform;
GCE-IMath is a header-only library and does not require any additional libraries (beyond a C++11 compatible compiler). Simply add the header files to your project using:
#include "IMath/IMaths.h"
To calculate 10!:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>
#include "IMath/IMaths.h"
using namespace std;
typedef IMath::Real scalar;
typedef IMath::IVector2D<scalar> Vector2;
typedef IMath::IVector3D<scalar> Vector3;
typedef IMath::IVector4D<scalar> Vector4;
typedef IMath::ILorentzVector<scalar> LorentzVector;
typedef IMath::IMatrix2x2<scalar> Matrix2;
typedef IMath::IMatrix3x3<scalar> Matrix3;
typedef IMath::IMatrix4x4<scalar> Matrix4;
typedef IMath::IQuaternion<scalar> Quaternion;
typedef IMath::IRay<scalar> Ray;
typedef IMath::ITransform<scalar> Transform;
typedef IMath::IComplex<scalar> Complex;
typedef IMath::IOctonion<scalar> Octonion;
typedef IMath::ILine3D<scalar> Line3;
typedef IMath::ILineSegment3D<scalar> LineSegment3;
typedef IMath::IPlane<scalar> Plane;
typedef IMath::IMatrix<scalar,3,3> Matrix;
template<class T>
class Vec3 : public IMath::IVector<T,3>
Vec3(T _x , T _y , T _z)
T x() const { return this->Ptr()[0];}
T y() const { return this->Ptr()[1];}
T z() const { return this->Ptr()[2];}
void setX(T _x) { this->Ptr()[0] = _x;}
void setY(T _y) { this->Ptr()[0] = _y;}
void setZ(T _z) { this->Ptr()[0] = _z;}
using Vec3i = Vec3<int>;
using Vec3f = Vec3<float>;
using Vec3d = Vec3<double>;
template<class T>
class Vec4 : public IMath::IVector<T,4>
Vec4(T _x , T _y , T _z, T _w)
T x() const { return this->Ptr()[0];}
T y() const { return this->Ptr()[1];}
T z() const { return this->Ptr()[2];}
void setX(T _x) { this->Ptr()[0] = _x;}
void setY(T _y) { this->Ptr()[0] = _y;}
void setZ(T _z) { this->Ptr()[0] = _z;}
using Vec4i = Vec4<int>;
using Vec4f = Vec4<float>;
using Vec4d = Vec4<double>;
template<class T>
class Mat3x3 : public IMath::IMatrix<T,3,3>
Mat3x3(T _m00 , T _m01 , T _m02 ,
T _m10 , T _m11 , T _m12 ,
T _m20 , T _m21 , T _m22)
this->Set(_m00 , _m01 , _m02 ,
_m10 , _m11 , _m12 ,
_m20 , _m21 , _m22);
using Mat3x3i = Mat3x3<int>;
using Mat3x3f = Mat3x3<float>;
using Mat3x3d = Mat3x3<double>;
template<class T>
class Mat4x4 : public IMath::IMatrix<T,4,4>
Mat4x4(T _m00 , T _m01 , T _m02 ,T _m03,
T _m10 , T _m11 , T _m12 ,T _m13,
T _m20 , T _m21 , T _m22 ,T _m23,
T _m30 , T _m31 , T _m32 ,T _m33)
this->Set(_m00 , _m01 , _m02 , _m03 ,
_m10 , _m11 , _m12 , _m13 ,
_m20 , _m21 , _m22 , _m23 ,
_m30 , _m31 , _m32 , _m33);
using Mat4x4i = Mat4x4<int>;
using Mat4x4f = Mat4x4<float>;
using Mat4x4d = Mat4x4<double>;
int main()
cout << "Hello World! - Unit Testing" << endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test IVector<float,2> -----" <<endl<<endl;
IMath::IVector<float,2> v0({7.f , 3.f});
IMath::IVector<float,2> v1({1 , 6});
cout<< "----constant operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,2>: " << v0 << " + " << v1 << " = " << (v0 + v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,2>: " << v0 << " - " << v1 << " = " << (v0 - v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,2>: " << v0 << " * " << v1 << " = " << (v0 * v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,2>: " << v0 << " / " << v1 << " = " << (v0 / v1) <<endl;
cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,2>: " << v0 << " += " << v1 << " = " << (v0 += v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,2>: " << v0 << " -= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 -= v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,2>: " << v0 << " *= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 *= v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,2>: " << v0 << " /= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 /= v1) <<endl;
cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,2>: " << v0 << " .dot " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Dot(v1)) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,2>: " << v0 << " .angle " << v1 << " = " << (v0.AngleBetween(v1)) <<endl;
cout << "----function operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,2>: " << v0 << ".lengthSquare" << " = " << v0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,2>: " << v0 << ".length" << " = " << v0.Length() <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,2>: " << v0 << ".inverse" << " = " << v0.Inverse() <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,2>: " << v0 << ".unit" << " = " << v0.GetUnit() <<endl;
IMath::IVector<float,2> v = v0; v.Normalize();
cout << " Vector<float,2>: " << v0 << ".normalize" << " = " << v <<endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test Vector<float,3> -----" <<endl<<endl;
IMath::IVector<float,3> v0({7 , 3 , 1});
IMath::IVector<float,3> v1({1 , 6 , 8});
cout<< "----constant operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,3>: " << v0 << " + " << v1 << " = " << (v0 + v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,3>: " << v0 << " - " << v1 << " = " << (v0 - v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,3>: " << v0 << " * " << v1 << " = " << (v0 * v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,3>: " << v0 << " / " << v1 << " = " << (v0 / v1) <<endl;
cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,3>: " << v0 << " += " << v1 << " = " << (v0 += v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,3>: " << v0 << " -= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 -= v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,3>: " << v0 << " *= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 *= v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,3>: " << v0 << " /= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 /= v1) <<endl;
cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,3>: " << v0 << " .dot " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Dot(v1)) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,3>: " << v0 << " .cross " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Cross(v1)) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,3>: " << v0 << " .angle " << v1 << " = " << (v0.AngleBetween(v1)) <<endl;
cout << "----function operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,3>: " << v0 << ".lengthSquare" << " = " << v0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,3>: " << v0 << ".length" << " = " << v0.Length() <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,3>: " << v0 << ".inverse" << " = " << v0.Inverse() <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,3>: " << v0 << ".unit" << " = " << v0.GetUnit() <<endl;
IMath::IVector<float,3> v = v0; v.Normalize();
cout << " Vector<float,3>: " << v0 << ".normalize" << " = " << v <<endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test Vector<float,4> -----" <<endl<<endl;
IMath::IVector<float,4> v0({7 , 3 , 1, 2});
IMath::IVector<float,4> v1({1 , 6 , 8, 9});
IMath::IVector<float,4> c({1 , 1 , 2, 9});
cout<< "----constant operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,4>: " << v0 << " + " << v1 << " = " << (v0 + v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,4>: " << v0 << " - " << v1 << " = " << (v0 - v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,4>: " << v0 << " * " << v1 << " = " << (v0 * v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,4>: " << v0 << " / " << v1 << " = " << (v0 / v1) <<endl;
cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,4>: " << v0 << " += " << v1 << " = " << (v0 += v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,4>: " << v0 << " -= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 -= v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,4>: " << v0 << " *= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 *= v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,4>: " << v0 << " /= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 /= v1) <<endl;
cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,4>: " << v0 << " .dot " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Dot(v1)) <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,4>: " << v0 << " .cross " << v1 << "," << c << " = " << (v0.Cross(v1,c)) <<endl;
//cout << " Vector<float,4>: " << v0 << " .angle " << v1 << " = " << (v0.getAngleBetween(v1)) <<endl;
cout << "----function operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,4>: " << v0 << ".lengthSquare" << " = " << v0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,4>: " << v0 << ".length" << " = " << v0.Length() <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,4>: " << v0 << ".inverse" << " = " << v0.Inverse() <<endl;
cout << " Vector<float,4>: " << v0 << ".unit" << " = " << v0.GetUnit() <<endl;
IMath::IVector<float,4> v = v0; v.Normalize();
cout << "Vector<float,4>: " << v0 << ".normalize" << " = " << v <<endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test Matrix<float,2,2> -----" <<endl<<endl;
IMath::IMatrix<float,2,2> m0({-2.0 , 7.0 ,
-4.0 , 2.0});
IMath::IMatrix<float,2,2> m1({3.0 , 1.0 ,
2.0 , 4.0});
cout << "------ operator + --------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " + " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 + m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator - --------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " - " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 - m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator += -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " += " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 += m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator -= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " -= " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 -= m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * m1.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;
scalar mT = 8.9;
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * mT) <<endl<<endl;
// cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
// cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
// cout<< mT <<endl;
// cout<< " = " <<endl;
// cout<< (m0 / mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator *= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " *= " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 *= mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator /= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " /= " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 /= mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ Matrix Function -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .determinat = " << (m0.Determinant()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .trace = " << (m0.Trace()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .inverse = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .transpose = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Transpose()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .absolute = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.AbsoluteMatrix()) <<endl<<endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test Matrix<float,3,3> -----" <<endl<<endl;
IMath::IMatrix<float,3,3> m0({-2.0 , 7.0 , 1.1 ,
-4.0 , 2.0 , 2.5 ,
2.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 });
IMath::IMatrix<float,3,3> m1({ 3.0 , 1.0 , 1.1 ,
2.0 , 4.0 , 2.1 ,
1.0 , 5.0 , 1.0});
cout << "------ operator + --------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " + " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 + m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator - --------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " - " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 - m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator += -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " += " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 += m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator -= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " -= " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 -= m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * m1.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;
float mT = 8.9;
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
//cout<< (m0 / mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator *= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " *= " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 *= mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator /= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " /= " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 /= mT) <<endl<<endl;
IMath::IVector<float,3> mV({2,4,4});
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< mV <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (mV * m0) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
cout<< mV <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Inverse() * mV) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ Matrix Function -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .determinat = " << (m0.Determinant()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .trace = " << (m0.Trace()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .inverse = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .transpose = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Transpose()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .absolute = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.AbsoluteMatrix()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .diagonalize = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Diagonalize())<<endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test Matrix<float,4,4> -----" <<endl<<endl;
IMath::IMatrix<float,4,4> m0({ -2.0 , 7.0 , 1.1 , 2.2 ,
-4.0 , 2.0 , 2.5 , 3.3 ,
2.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 2.3 ,
1.0 , 2.0 , 4.0 , 8.8});
IMath::IMatrix<float,4,4> m1({3.0 , 1.0 , 1.1 , 2.0 ,
2.0 , 4.0 , 2.1 , 1.0 ,
1.0 , 5.0 , 1.0 , 2.2 ,
1.0 , 2.0 , 2.0 , 3.3});
cout << "------ operator + --------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " + " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 + m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator - --------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " - " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 - m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator += -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " += " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 += m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator -= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " -= " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 -= m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * m1.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;
scalar mT = 8.9;
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * mT) <<endl<<endl;
// cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
// cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
// cout<< mT <<endl;
// cout<< " = " <<endl;
// cout<< (m0 / mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator *= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " *= " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 *= mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator /= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " /= " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 /= mT) <<endl<<endl;
IMath::IVector<float,4> _mV({2,4,4 ,2.3});
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< _mV <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * _mV) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
cout<< _mV <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Inverse() * _mV) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ Matrix Function -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .determinat = " << (m0.Determinant()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .trace = " << (m0.Trace()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .inverse = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .transpose = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Transpose()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .absolute = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.AbsoluteMatrix()) <<endl<<endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test Vector2 -----" <<endl<<endl;
Vector2 v0(7 , 3);
Vector2 v1(1 , 6);
cout<< "----constant operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector2: " << v0 << " + " << v1 << " = " << (v0 + v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector2: " << v0 << " - " << v1 << " = " << (v0 - v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector2: " << v0 << " * " << v1 << " = " << (v0 * v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector2: " << v0 << " / " << v1 << " = " << (v0 / v1) <<endl;
cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector2: " << v0 << " += " << v1 << " = " << (v0 += v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector2: " << v0 << " -= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 -= v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector2: " << v0 << " *= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 *= v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector2: " << v0 << " /= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 /= v1) <<endl;
cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector2: " << v0 << " .dot " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Dot(v1)) <<endl;
cout << " Vector2: " << v0 << " .cross " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Cross(v1)) <<endl;
cout << " Vector2: " << v0 << " .angle " << v1 << " = " << (v0.AngleBetween(v1)) <<endl;
cout << "----function operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector2: " << v0 << ".lengthSquare" << " = " << v0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
cout << " Vector2: " << v0 << ".length" << " = " << v0.Length() <<endl;
cout << " Vector2: " << v0 << ".inverse" << " = " << v0.Inverse() <<endl;
cout << " Vector2: " << v0 << ".unit" << " = " << v0.GetUnit() <<endl;
Vector2 v = v0; v.Normalize();
cout << " Vector2: " << v0 << ".normalize" << " = " << v <<endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test Vector3 -----" <<endl<<endl;
Vector3 v0(7 , 3 , 1);
Vector3 v1(1 , 6 , 8);
cout<< "----constant operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector3: " << v0 << " + " << v1 << " = " << (v0 + v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector3: " << v0 << " - " << v1 << " = " << (v0 - v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector3: " << v0 << " * " << v1 << " = " << (v0 * v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector3: " << v0 << " / " << v1 << " = " << (v0 / v1) <<endl;
cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector3: " << v0 << " += " << v1 << " = " << (v0 += v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector3: " << v0 << " -= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 -= v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector3: " << v0 << " *= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 *= v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector3: " << v0 << " /= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 /= v1) <<endl;
cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector3: " << v0 << " .dot " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Dot(v1)) <<endl;
cout << " Vector3: " << v0 << " .cross " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Cross(v1)) <<endl;
cout << " Vector3: " << v0 << " .angle " << v1 << " = " << (v0.AngleBetween(v1)) <<endl;
cout << "----function operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector3: " << v0 << ".lengthSquare" << " = " << v0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
cout << " Vector3: " << v0 << ".length" << " = " << v0.Length() <<endl;
cout << " Vector3: " << v0 << ".inverse" << " = " << v0.Inverse() <<endl;
cout << " Vector3: " << v0 << ".unit" << " = " << v0.GetUnit() <<endl;
Vector3 v = v0; v.Normalize();
cout << " Vector3: " << v0 << ".normalize" << " = " << v <<endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test Vector4 -----" <<endl<<endl;
Vector4 v0(7 , 3 , 1, 2);
Vector4 v1(1 , 6 , 8, 9);
cout<< "----constant operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector4: " << v0 << " + " << v1 << " = " << (v0 + v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector4: " << v0 << " - " << v1 << " = " << (v0 - v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector4: " << v0 << " * " << v1 << " = " << (v0 * v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector4: " << v0 << " / " << v1 << " = " << (v0 / v1) <<endl;
cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector4: " << v0 << " += " << v1 << " = " << (v0 += v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector4: " << v0 << " -= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 -= v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector4: " << v0 << " *= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 *= v1) <<endl;
cout << " Vector4: " << v0 << " /= " << v1 << " = " << (v0 /= v1) <<endl;
cout << "----dynamics operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector4: " << v0 << " .dot " << v1 << " = " << (v0.Dot(v1)) <<endl;
//cout << " Vector4: " << v0 << " .cross " << v1 << " = " << (v0.cross(v1)) <<endl;
//cout << " Vector4: " << v0 << " .angle " << v1 << " = " << (v0.getAngleBetween(v1)) <<endl;
cout << "----function operator----" <<endl;
cout << " Vector4: " << v0 << ".lengthSquare" << " = " << v0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
cout << " Vector4: " << v0 << ".length" << " = " << v0.Length() <<endl;
cout << " Vector4: " << v0 << ".inverse" << " = " << v0.Inverse() <<endl;
cout << " Vector4: " << v0 << ".unit" << " = " << v0.GetUnit() <<endl;
Vector4 v = v0; v.Normalize();
cout << " Vector4: " << v0 << ".normalize" << " = " << v <<endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test Complex -----" <<endl<<endl;
Complex c0(0.5,0.1);
Complex c1(0.1,2.0);
cout<< c0 << " + " << c1 << " = " << c0 + c1 <<endl;
cout<< c0 << " - " << c1 << " = " << c0 - c1 <<endl;
cout<< c0 << " * " << c1 << " = " << c0 * c1 <<endl;
cout<< c0 << " / " << c1 << " = " << c0 / c1 <<endl;
cout<< c0 << " += " << c1 << " = "; (c0 += c1);
cout<< c0 <<endl;
cout<< c0 << " -= " << c1 << " = "; (c0 -= c1);
cout<< c0 <<endl;
scalar mT = 2.8;
cout<< c0 << " + " << mT << " = " << c0 + mT <<endl;
cout<< c0 << " - " << mT << " = " << c0 - mT <<endl;
cout<< c0 << " * " << mT << " = " << c0 * mT <<endl;
cout<< c0 << " / " << mT << " = " << c0 / mT <<endl;
cout<< "-----------Function-----------" <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".lengthSquare = " << c0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".length = " << c0.Length() <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".argument =" << c0.GetArgument() <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".conjugate =" << c0.GetConjugate() <<endl;
cout<< "-----------Complex Function-----------" <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".exp = " << Complex::Exp(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".log = " << Complex::Log(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".sqrt = " << Complex::Sqrt(c0) <<endl;
cout<< "-----------Triqonometriya Function-----------" <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".sin = " << Complex::Sin(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".cos = " << Complex::Cos(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".tan = " << Complex::Tan(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".sec = " << Complex::Sec(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".csc = " << Complex::Csc(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".cot = " << Complex::Cot(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".sinh = " << Complex::Sinh(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".cosh = " << Complex::Cosh(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".tanh = " << Complex::Tanh(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".sech = " << Complex::Sech(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".csch = " << Complex::Csch(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".coth = " << Complex::Coth(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".asin = " << Complex::Asin(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".acos = " << Complex::Acos(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".atan = " << Complex::Atan(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".asinh = " << Complex::Asinh(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".acosh = " << Complex::Acosh(c0) <<endl;
cout<< c0 << ".atanh = " << Complex::Atanh(c0) <<endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test Quaternion -----" <<endl<<endl;
Quaternion q0( 0 , 0 , 1.0 , 0.5 );
Quaternion q1( 0.1 , 0 , 1.5 , 0.025 );
cout<< "-----------operators-----------" <<endl;
cout<< q0 << " + " << q1 << " = " << (q0 + q1) <<endl;
cout<< q0 << " - " << q1 << " = " << (q0 - q1) <<endl;
cout<< q0 << " += " << q1 << " = "; (q0 += q1);
cout << q0 <<endl;
cout<< q0 << " -= " << q1 << " = "; (q0 -= q1);
cout << q0 <<endl;
cout<< q0 << " * " << q1 << " = " << (q0 * q1) <<endl;
cout<< q0 << " *= " << q1 << " = "; (q0 *= q1);
cout<< q0 <<endl;
scalar mT = 9.8;
cout<< q0 << " * " << mT << " = " << (q0 * mT) <<endl;
cout<< q0 << " / " << mT << " = " << (q0 / mT) <<endl;
cout<< q0 << " *= " << mT << " = "; (q0 *= mT);
cout<< q0 <<endl;
cout<< q0 << " /= " << mT << " = "; (q0 /= mT);
cout<< q0 <<endl;
cout<<endl <<endl;
cout<< "-----------Function-----------" <<endl;
cout<< q0 << ".lengthSquare = " << q0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
cout<< q0 << ".length = " << q0.Length() <<endl;
cout<< q0 << ".conjugate =" << q0.GetConjugate() <<endl;
cout<< q0 << ".inverse = " << q0.GetInverse() <<endl;
cout<< q0 << ".unit = " << q0.GetUnit() <<endl;
cout<< q0 << ".Angle =" << q0.GetAngle() <<endl;
cout<< q0 << ".EulerAngle =" << q0.GetEulerAngles() <<endl;
cout<< q0 << ".exponent = " << q0.Exp() <<endl;
cout<< q0 << ".logarithm = " << q0.Log() <<endl;
cout<< q0 << ".Matrix3x3 = " << endl;
cout<< q0.GetRotMatrix() <<endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test Octonion -----" <<endl<<endl;
Octonion OC0(1.0 , 2.0 , 1.1 , 2.2 ,
1.4 , 4.1 , 4.1 , 4.1);
Octonion OC1(1.4 , 1.0 , 2.1 , 2.2 ,
2.4 , 1.1 , 3.1 , 1.1);
scalar t = 2.3;
Complex c( 1.2 , 2.1);
Quaternion q( 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.4 , 4.4 );
cout<< "-----------------operators-------------------" <<endl;
cout<< OC0 << " + " << t << " = " << (OC0 + t) << endl;
cout<< OC0 << " + " << c << " = " << (OC0 + c) << endl;
cout<< OC0 << " + " << q << " = " << (OC0 + q) << endl;
cout<< OC0 << " + " << OC1 << " = " << (OC0 + OC1) << endl;
cout<< " ---------------------------------------- " <<endl;
cout<< OC0 << " - " << t << " = " << (OC0 - t) << endl;
cout<< OC0 << " - " << c << " = " << (OC0 - c) << endl;
cout<< OC0 << " - " << q << " = " << (OC0 - q) << endl;
cout<< OC0 << " - " << OC1 << " = " << (OC0 - OC1) << endl;
cout<< " ---------------------------------------- " <<endl;
cout<< OC0 << " * " << t << " = " << (OC0 * t) << endl;
cout<< OC0 << " * " << c << " = " << (OC0 * c) << endl;
cout<< OC0 << " * " << q << " = " << (OC0 * q) << endl;
cout<< OC0 << " * " << OC1 << " = " << (OC0 * OC1) << endl;
cout<< " ---------------------------------------- " <<endl;
cout<< OC0 << " / " << t << " = " << (OC0 / t) << endl;
cout<< OC0 << " / " << c << " = " << (OC0 / c) << endl;
cout<< OC0 << " / " << q << " = " << (OC0 / q) << endl;
cout<< OC0 << " / " << OC1 << " = " << (OC0 / OC1) << endl;
cout<< "-----------------Function-------------------" <<endl;
cout << OC0 << " .lenght = " << OC0.Length() <<endl;
cout << OC0 << " .lenghtSquare = " << OC0.LengthSquare() <<endl;
cout << OC0 << " .norm = " << OC0.Norm() <<endl;
cout << OC0 << " .abs = " << OC0.Abs() <<endl;
cout << OC0 << " .conjugate = " << OC0.GetConjugate() <<endl;
cout << OC0 << " .exponenta = " << Octonion::Exp(OC0) <<endl;
cout << OC0 << " .cosinus = " << Octonion::Cos(OC0) <<endl;
cout << OC0 << " .sininus = " << Octonion::Sin(OC0) <<endl;
cout << OC0 << " .tanget = " << Octonion::Tan(OC0) <<endl;
cout << OC0 << " .hyperbolic cosinus = " << Octonion::Cosh(OC0) <<endl;
cout << OC0 << " .hyperbolic sininus = " << Octonion::Sinh(OC0) <<endl;
cout << OC0 << " .hyperbolic tanget = " << Octonion::Tanh(OC0) <<endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test Matrix_2x2 -----" <<endl<<endl;
Matrix2 m0( -2.0 , 7.0 ,
-4.0 , 2.0);
Matrix2 m1( 3.0 , 1.0 ,
2.0 , 4.0);
cout << "------ operator + --------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " + " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 + m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator - --------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " - " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 - m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator += -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " += " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 += m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator -= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " -= " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 -= m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * m1.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;
scalar mT = 8.9;
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 / mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator *= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " *= " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 *= mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator /= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " /= " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 /= mT) <<endl<<endl;
Vector2 mV(2,4);
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< mV <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * mV) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
cout<< mV <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Inverse() * mV) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ Matrix Function -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .determinat = " << (m0.Determinant()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .trace = " << (m0.Trace()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .inverse = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .transpose = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Transpose()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .absolute = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.AbsoluteMatrix()) <<endl<<endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test Matrix_3x3 -----" <<endl<<endl;
Matrix3 m0( -2.0 , 7.0 , 1.1 ,
-4.0 , 2.0 , 2.5 ,
2.0 , 1.0 , 1.0);
Matrix3 m1( 3.0 , 1.0 , 1.1 ,
2.0 , 4.0 , 2.1 ,
1.0 , 5.0 , 1.0);
cout << "------ operator + --------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " + " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 + m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator - --------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " - " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 - m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator += -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " += " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 += m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator -= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " -= " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 -= m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * m1.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;
scalar mT = 8.9;
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 / mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator *= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " *= " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 *= mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator /= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " /= " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 /= mT) <<endl<<endl;
Vector3 mV(2,4,4);
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< mV <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (mV * m0) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
cout<< mV <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Inverse() * mV) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ Matrix Function -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .determinat = " << (m0.Determinant()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .trace = " << (m0.Trace()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .inverse = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .transpose = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Transpose()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .absolute = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.AbsoluteMatrix()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .diagonalize = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Diagonalize(0.01 , 10)) <<endl<<endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test Matrix_4x4 -----" <<endl<<endl;
Matrix4 m0( -2.0 , 7.0 , 1.1 , 2.2 ,
-4.0 , 2.0 , 2.5 , 3.3 ,
2.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 2.3 ,
1.0 , 2.0 , 4.0 , 8.8);
Matrix4 m1( 3.0 , 1.0 , 1.1 , 2.0 ,
2.0 , 4.0 , 2.1 , 1.0 ,
1.0 , 5.0 , 1.0 , 2.2 ,
1.0 , 2.0 , 2.0 , 3.3);
cout << "------ operator + --------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " + " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 + m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator - --------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " - " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 - m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator += -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " += " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 += m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator -= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " -= " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 -= m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * m1) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
cout<< m1 << " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * m1.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;
scalar mT = 8.9;
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 / mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator *= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " *= " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 *= mT) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator /= -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " /= " <<endl ;
cout<< mT <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 /= mT) <<endl<<endl;
Vector3 mV(2,4,4);
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< mV <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * mV) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
cout<< mV <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Inverse() * mV) <<endl<<endl;
Vector4 _mV(2,4,4 ,2.3);
cout << "------ operator * -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " * " <<endl ;
cout<< _mV <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0 * _mV) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ operator / -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 << " / " <<endl ;
cout<< _mV <<endl;
cout<< " = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Inverse() * _mV) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------ Matrix Function -------" <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .determinat = " << (m0.Determinant()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .trace = " << (m0.Trace()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .inverse = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Inverse()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .transpose = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.Transpose()) <<endl<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------" <<endl<<endl;
cout<< m0 <<endl ;
cout<< " .absolute = " <<endl;
cout<< (m0.AbsoluteMatrix()) <<endl<<endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test Line3 -----" <<endl<<endl;
Vector3 A(1,2,3);
Vector3 B(9,6,3);
Vector3 C(0,9,4);
Vector3 D(0,0,1);
Line3 line_a(A,B-A);
Line3 line_b(C,D-C);
cout<< " line_line_a " << line_a <<endl;
cout<< " line_line_b " << line_b <<endl;
Vector3 cross_a;
Vector3 cross_b;
Line3::ClosestPoints(line_a , line_b , cross_a , cross_b);
cout<< endl;
cout<< " cross pointA in lineA to lineB: = " << cross_a <<endl;
cout<< " cross pointB in lineA to lineB: = " << cross_b <<endl;
cout<< " closset point B to point in lineA " << line_a.ClosestPoint(B) << endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test LineSegment3 -----" <<endl<<endl;
Vector3 A(1,2,3);
Vector3 B(9,6,3);
Vector3 C(0,9,4);
Vector3 D(0,0,1);
LineSegment3 line_a(A,B);
LineSegment3 line_b(C,D);
cout<< " line_segment_a " << line_a <<endl;
cout<< " line_segment_b " << line_b <<endl;
Vector3 cross_a;
Vector3 cross_b;
LineSegment3::ClosestPoints(line_a , line_b , cross_a , cross_b);
cout<< endl;
cout<< " cross pointA in segmetnA to segmentB: = " << cross_a <<endl;
cout<< " cross pointB in segmetnA to segmentB: = " << cross_b <<endl;
cout<< " closset point B to point in segmentA " << line_a.ClosestPoint(B) << endl;
cout<< "*********************************" << endl;
cout<< "---- Unit test Euler Angle in Matrix3x3 -----" <<endl<<endl;
Vector3 eulerAngle( 0.5 , 0.7 , 0.1);
cout<< " ---------- push angle -------- " << endl;
cout<< "Set Angle X: " << eulerAngle.x << endl;
cout<< "Set Angle Y: " << eulerAngle.y << endl;
cout<< "Set Angle Z: " << eulerAngle.z << endl;
cout<< endl;
cout<< " ---------- extract angle -------- " << endl;
Matrix3 M;
M = M.CreateRotationEulerAngle( eulerAngle.x ,
eulerAngle.y ,
eulerAngle.z );
// eulerAngle = Q.GetEulerAngleGimbalLock(Quaternion::RotSeq::xyz);
eulerAngle = Quaternion(M).GetRotMatrix().GetEulerAngles();
cout<< "Get Angle X: " << eulerAngle.x << endl;
cout<< "Get Angle Y: " << eulerAngle.y << endl;
cout<< "Get Angle Z: " << eulerAngle.z << endl;
return 0;