Yet another analysis framework
in beta testing
- improved performance
- new event class template with general-variable array and using std::vector
- using ROOT GenVector package
- new A2 detector bit pattern (not compatible with earlier versions)
- easy enabling/disabling of binned storage
- added analysis mode switch
- basic support for CLAS12
August 6, 2019
- added a number of small improvements
- extended the documentation
April 23, 2019
- overlap histogram filling
- loading of TH1, TH2, TGraph, and TCutG objects in analyses
- smaller improvements
April 12, 2019
- added wrapper for multi-threaded TTree analysis
- new A2 event and particle formats
- added progress server
February 10, 2019
- initial release
- ROOT 6
- CMake 2.8
cd /some/directory
git clone
cd FooAna
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/some/directory/FooAna/build/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
export ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH="/some/directory/FooAna/build/include:$ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH"
It is recommended to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
in your shell configuration file.
are set, root should be able to
find the library automatically. If not, there are several ways to load the
ROOT command line interface:
root [0] gSystem->Load("");
Interpreted macros:
void FooAnaMacro()
Compiled macros:
root [0] .include /some/directory/FooAna/build/include
root [1] .x FooAnaMacro.C++
FAAnalysis : base analysis wrapper
FAAnalysisA2 : A2 analysis wrapper
FAAnalysisCLAS12 : CLAS12 analysis wrapper
FAAnalysisResult : analysis result
FAReaderSWeights : reader for sWeights stored in a tree
FAEventT : base event class template
FAEventA2_B : A2 event class (basic)
FAEventA2_BF1 : A2 event class (basic, kinfit type 1)
FAEventA2_BF2 : A2 event class (basic, kinfit type 2)
FAEventA2_BF3 : A2 event class (basic, kinfit type 3)
FAEventA2_BF4 : A2 event class (basic, kinfit type 4)
FAEventA2_BIF1 : A2 event class (basic, event info, kinfit type 1)
FAEventA2_BIF2 : A2 event class (basic, event info, kinfit type 2)
FAEventA2_BIF3 : A2 event class (basic, event info, kinfit type 3)
FAEventA2_BIF4 : A2 event class (basic, event info, kinfit type 4)
FAEventCLAS12_B : CLAS12 event class (basic)
FAEventCLAS12_BI : CLAS12 event class (basic, event info)
FAParticleA2_B : A2 particle class (basic)
FAParticleA2_BF1 : A2 particle class (basic, kinfit type 1)
FAParticleA2MC_B : A2 MC particle class (basic)
FAParticleCLAS12_B : CLAS12 particle class (basic)
FAParticleCLAS12MC_B : CLAS12 MC particle class (basic)
FAVarAbs : abstract base class for analysis variables
FAVar : analysis variable class template
FAVarList : a list of analysis variables
FAVarParticleA2 : a list of analysis variables for A2 particles
FAVarParticleA2_CoincT : a list of coincidence time variables for A2 particles
FAVarParticleCLAS12 : a list of analysis variables for CLAS12 particles
FAVarHistogram : a histogram to be filled with analysis variables
FAVarFiller : the histogram/tree filler class for analysis variables
FAVarPlotter : the histogram plotter class for analysis variables
FAVarPlotterEntry : an entry (histogram(s) from file) to be plotted by FAVarPlotter
FAProgressServer : processing progress monitoring server
FAProgressClient : processing progress monitoring client
FAProgressMessage : progress message object
FAUtils : namespace with utility functions
FAConfigA2 : namespace with constants and definitions for the A2 experiment
FAUtilsA2 : namespace with utility functions related to the A2 experiment
FAConfigCLAS12 : namespace with constants and definitions for the CLAS12 experiment
FAUtilsCLAS12 : namespace with utility functions related to the CLAS12 experiment
Custom event classes can be easily created by using the template class FAEventT
Classes created by FAEventT
contain arrays of general variables, 4-vectors, and
detected and generated (MC) particles. The type of variables and the types of the
classes representing the particles can be specified when the template class FAEventT
is instantiated. Additional event variables can be added to the custom event class.
This can make an event class more clear in case a large number of event variables is
needed and keeping track of them in the general variable array is getting difficult.
class CustomEvent :
public FAEventT<Double32_t, FAParticleA2_B, FAParticleA2MC_B>
Short_t someIndex;
Double32_t someVariable;
CustomEvent() : FAEventT(),
someIndex(0), someVariable(0) { }
virtual void Print(Option_t* option = "") const
printf("Some index : %d\n", someIndex);
printf("Some variable : %f\n", someVariable);
virtual void Clear(Option_t* option = "")
someIndex = -1;
someVariable = 0;
using FAEventT::operator=;
ClassDef(CustomEvent, 1) // my custom event
NOTE: The default constructor and the Clear()
method should be overwritten
in the custom event class to ensure that the class members are properly
initialized and cleared. Before this custom code, the parent constructor and Clear()
method should be called.
Tree writing and reading using a custom event class is illustrated in the example
provides a convenient way to store analysis variables for further
processing. Especially switching from filling a tree (unbinned analysis) or histograms
(binned analysis) requires only changing one flag.
Analysis variables FAVar<Type>
can be either registered to the filler one-by-one
or by combining them to a set and adding the corresponding list. Name, title, unit,
range, and binning of the variables can all be specified and will be used when creating
histograms or building the output tree. 2D-histograms of two variables can also be easily
// create the filler
FAVarFiller filler("MyFiller", "Example filler");
// define some variables
FAVar<Short_t> my_index(filler, "index", "My custom index", 0, 10, 0, 10);
FAVar<Double_t> my_variable(filler, "variable", "My custom variable", "some unit", 100, 0, 20);
// request special histograms
filler.AddHistogram2D(&my_variable, &my_index);
// configure the filling mode
filler.Init(FAVarFiller::kUnbinned); // unbinned, i.e. a tree
//filler.Init(FAVarFiller::kBinned); // binned, i.e. histograms
If one or two bin axes are defined via FAVarFiller::SetBins1()
, single trees for all individual bins are created
(unbinned analysis) or the histograms are grouped in TDirectoryFile
(binned analysis) in the output ROOT file.
Values can be directly assigned to the analysis variables in the event loop. All
variables are filled by calling FAVarFiller::Fill()
my_index = ...
my_variable = ...
The final tree or histograms can be written to a ROOT file by calling
A complete example can be found in the ReadCustomEvent()
method in
FooAna defines the type FAVector4
in FAFooAna.h
using the ROOT GenVector package. This provides a faster alternative
to TLorentzVector
with basically the same functionality.
is an analysis-wrapper for data of the A2 experiment.
It allows the analysis of presorted data with one single ROOT macro
and one configuration file. It is mainly intended to be used as the last
step in the analysis chain to create binned results (histograms) but
it also supports tree output for further unbinned processing.
For this, FAAnalysisA2
makes use of the FAVarFiller
class (see above).
Input data is expected to be stored in a TTree
using a FAEventT
event class. Depending on the use case, different event classes
are available that also contain different types of particle classes.
This design enables to optimize the size of presorted data sets by only
including the necessary event information.
The configuration file (ROOT config-file format) configures all general settings
of the analysis, sets up the loading of ROOT objects (TGraph
, TH1
, etc.)
needed during the analysis, and can be extended by custom configuration keys.
The standard keys will be described in the next section.
Thanks to the extended configuration file, the analysis ROOT macro can be kept
compact and readable. The main part is a C++ lambda function which contains
the code that is executed for every event in the data tree. This function is
then passed to the FAAnalysisA2
analysis object, which wires up everything
and launches the analysis. Multithreading is fully supported by having multiple
workers analyzing parts of the data. Partial results will be automatically
merged at the end.
The following keys are currently supported:
# general keys
FA.Analysis.TreeName: name of the input TTree
FA.Analysis.NWorker: number of parallel workers in a multithreaded analysis
FA.Analysis.Progress: flag for progress indication (0=off, 1=on)
FA.Analysis.Axis1.Binning: binning for axis 1 (bin edges)
FA.Analysis.Axis1.Name: name of axis 1
FA.Analysis.Axis2.Binning: binning for axis 2 (bin edges)
FA.Analysis.Axis2.Name: name of axis 2
FA.Analysis.Input: name of input file(s), wildcards are supported
FA.Analysis.Output: name of output file
# object loading (currently supported are TH1, TH2, TGraph, TCutG)
FA.Analysis.Load.TH1.N: number of TH1 objects to load
FA.Analysis.Load.TH1.0.File: file of the first TH1 object to load
FA.Analysis.Load.TH1.0.Name: name of the first TH1 object to load
# A2-specific keys
FA.Analysis.A2.Tagger.Channels: number of tagger channels
FA.Analysis.A2.Tagger.Calib: tagger calibration file (ugcal short format)
FA.Analysis.A2.Trig.CB.ESum.Mean: mean value of energy sum threshold
FA.Analysis.A2.Trig.CB.ESum.Sigma: Gaussian sigma of energy sum threshold
FA.Analysis.A2.Trig.Mult.Total: total trigger multiplicity
FA.Analysis.A2.Trig.Mult.UseTAPS: TAPS contributing to multiplicity (0=no, 1=yes)
The following commented ROOT macro illustrates the general structure of an
-based analysis macro. More complex macros can be found
in the examples
void Analysis()
// create analysis
FAAnalysisA2 ana(FAAnalysis::kData, "config.rootrc");
// print analysis configuration
// event processing lambda function
auto ProcessEvents = [&](TTreeReader& reader)
// configure reader
TTreeReaderValue<FAEventA2_BIF3> event(reader, "Event");
// define analysis variables
FAVarFiller filler("my_analysis", "title of my analysis");
FAVar<Float_t> var_axis1(filler, "var_axis1", "variable of axis 1", "MeV", ana.GetAxis1());
FAVar<Float_t> some_var(filler, "some_var", "some analysis variable", "MeV", 100, 0, 2000);
// read events
while (reader.Next())
// analyis code
// ...
// set analysis variables
//var_axis1 = 123;
//some_var = 12.34;
// event weights via lambda function
auto weighting = [&] { return 1; };
// fill analysis variables
filler.Fill(weighting, var_axis1.GetVar());
// write and register partial output file
return FAAnalysis::WritePartialOutput(filler, reader.GetTree()->GetCurrentFile()->GetName());
// process events
// write output file
The A2 detector bit pattern type FADetectorA2_t
is defined in the FAConfigA2
namespace. The following table shows some common codes as decimal numbers for
a quick lookup.
Code | Detectors |
4 | CB |
8 | PID |
12 | CB, PID |
20 | CB, MWPC1 |
52 | CB, MWPC1, MWPC2 |
60 | CB, PID, MWPC1, MWPC2 |
64 | TAPS |
128 | Veto |
192 | TAPS, Veto |
Analysis variables of several analyses can be compared by using FAVarPlotter
. In the following
minimal example, the analysis variable is defined and two files created by FAVarFiller
added. FAVarPlotter
provides then multiple ways for comparing the analysis variable in, e.g.,
different bins, using a simple and quick interface.
FAVarPlotter compare("my_variable");
compare.AddEntry("file_1.root", "old analysis", kBlack);
compare.AddEntry("file_2.root", "new analysis", kRed);
compare.DrawBin(0, 0);