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Code for running the implementations proposed in: Westny, T., Olofsson, B., and Frisk, E., "A Preprocessing and Evaluation Toolbox for Trajectory Prediction Research on the Drone Datasets"


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Dronalize is a toolbox designed to alleviate the development efforts of researchers working with the Drone datasets from leveLXData on behavior prediction problems. It includes tools for data preprocessing, visualization, and evaluation, as well as a model development pipeline for data-driven motion forecasting.
The toolbox relies heavily on Pytorch logoPyTorch, PyG logoPyTorch Geometric, and Lightning logoPyTorch Lightning for its functionality.

All code in this repository is developed by the authors of the paper and is not an official product of leveLXData. All inquiries regarding the datasets should be directed to them.


There are several alternatives to installation, depending on your needs and preferences. Our recommendation and personal preference is to use containers for reproducibility and consistency across different environments. We have provided both an Apptainer and a Dockerfile for this purpose. Both recipes use the mamba package manager for creating the environments. In both cases, they utilize an environment.yml file that could be used to create a local conda environment if desired.

Apptainer logo

Apptainer is a lightweight containerization tool that we prefer for its simplicity and ease of use. Once installed, you can build the container by running the following command:

apptainer build dronalize.sif /path/to/definition_file

where /path/to/definition_file is the path to the apptainer.def file in the repository. Once built, it is very easy to run the container as it only requires a few extra arguments. For example, to start the container and execute the script, you can run the following command from the repository root directory:

apptainer run /path/to/dronalize.sif python

If you have CUDA installed and want to use GPU acceleration, you can add the --nv flag to the run command.

apptainer run --nv /path/to/dronalize.sif python

Docker logo

If you prefer to use Docker, you can build the container by running the following command from the container root directory:

docker build -t dronalize .

This will create a Docker image named dronalize with all the necessary dependencies. To run the container, you can use the following command:

docker run -it dronalize

Note that training using docker requires mounting the data directory to the container. Example of how this is done from the repository root directory:

docker run -v "$(pwd)":/app -w /app dronalize python

To use GPU acceleration, you need to install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit and run the container with the --gpus all flag.

docker run --gpus all -v "$(pwd)":/app -w /app dronalize python

Conda logo

If you prefer to not use containers, you can create a conda environment using the environment.yml file. To create the environment, run the following command:

conda env create -f /path/to/environment.yml

or if using mamba

mamba env create -f /path/to/environment.yml

This will create a new conda environment named dronalize with all the necessary dependencies. Once the environment is created, you can activate it by running:

conda activate dronalize

The environment is now ready to use, and you can run the scripts in the repository.


The Dronalize toolbox is designed for two main purposes: data preprocessing and evaluation of trajectory prediction models. It was developed to be used in conjunction with PyTorch logoPyTorch; in particular, the Lightning logoPyTorch Lightning framework.


Before running the preprocessing scripts, make sure to unzip the downloaded datasets and place them in a directory of your choice. By default, the scripts expect the datasets to be located in the ../datasets directory, but this can be changed by specifying the --path argument. Make sure the unzipped folders are named highD, rounD, and inD, respectively.

All functionality related to data preprocessing is contained in the preprocessing module. Since the Drone datasets have minor differences in their structure, there are two separate scripts for preprocessing depending on the dataset used. For example, to preprocess the inD or rounD datasets, you can run the following command (replace dataset_name with the respective dataset name):

python -m --dataset 'dataset_name' --path 'path/to/datasets'

while for the highD dataset, you should run:

python -m --dataset 'highD' --path 'path/to/datasets'

By default, these scripts will save the preprocessed data in the data directory, this can be changed by specifying the --output-dir argument. There is an option to use threading for faster processing by setting the --use-threads flag that we recommend for efficient processing.

There are additional default arguments in the respective configuration files within the preprocessing/config directory that should not be changed to facilitate consistency across different studies. Finally, is a script that can be used to preprocess all datasets in one go using the default arguments that we recommend for consistency.


Using Apptainer, the shell script can be executed as follows:

  apptainer run /path/to/dronalize.sif bash

Depending on the dataset and the number of workers, preprocessing can some time. In our experience, preprocessing all datasets takes around 5 hours on a standard workstation with 8 cores and 32 GB of RAM.

Data Loading

In datamodules, you will find the necessary classes for loading the preprocessed data into PyTorch training pipelines. It includes:

  • DroneDataset: A Dataset class built around torch_geometric. Found in:
  • DroneDataModule: A DataModule class, including Dataloader built around lightning.pytorch. Found in:
  • CoordinateTransform and CoordinateShift: Example transformations. Found in: is designed to be runnable as a standalone script for quick testing of the data loading pipeline. It includes a main function that can be used to load the data and visualize it for debugging and/or educational purposes.


In models/, there is a baseline neural network for trajectory prediction. It is a simple encoder-decoder model that takes as input the past trajectory of a road user and outputs a predicted future trajectory. It learns interactions between road users by encoding the scene as a graph and uses a GNN to process the data. The model could be used as a starting point for developing more advanced models, where adding map-aware mechanisms would be a natural next step.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch_geometric.nn as ptg
from import HeteroData

class Net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, config: dict) -> None:
        num_inputs = config["num_inputs"]
        num_outputs = config["num_outputs"]
        num_hidden = config["num_hidden"] = config["pred_hrz"]

        self.embed = nn.Linear(num_inputs, num_hidden)
        self.encoder = nn.GRU(num_hidden, num_hidden, batch_first=True)
        self.interaction = ptg.GATv2Conv(num_hidden, num_hidden, concat=False)
        self.decoder = nn.GRU(num_hidden, num_hidden, batch_first=True)
        self.output = nn.Linear(num_hidden, num_outputs)

    def forward(self, data: HeteroData) -> torch.Tensor:
        edge_index = data['agent']['edge_index']
        x =[data['agent']['inp_pos'],
                       data['agent']['inp_yaw']], dim=-1)

        x = self.embed(x)
        _, h = self.encoder(x)
        x = h[-1]

        x = self.interaction(x, edge_index)
        x = x.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,, 1)
        x, _ = self.decoder(x)

        pred = self.output(x)

        return pred

Model Training

The toolbox includes a training script,, that can be used to train your models on the preprocessed data. The script is designed to be run from the repository root directory and includes several arguments that can be used to configure the training process. By default, it uses configuration files in .json format found in the configs directory, detailing the required modules and hyperparameters for training. Additional runtime arguments, such as the number of workers, GPU acceleration, debug mode, and model checkpointing, can be specified when running the script (see for more information).

The training script is designed to be used with PyTorch Lightning; besides using the custom data modules previously mentioned, it also requires a LightningModule that defines the model and training loop. In, you will find a base class that can be modified to build your own LightningModule. In its current form, it can be used to train and evaluate the baseline model. It also details how to use the proposed evaluation metrics for trajectory prediction.

An example of how to train the model is shown below:

  [apptainer run --nv path/to/dronalize.sif] python --add-name test --dry-run 0 --use-cuda 1 --n-workers 4

We recommend users modify the default arguments in to suit their needs.

Note that the default logger is set to wandb (weights & biases) for logging performance metrics during training. It is our preferred tool for tracking experiments, but it can be easily replaced with other logging tools by modifying the Trainer in the training script.

See the official Lightning documentation for more information on customizing training behavior and how to use the library in general.


The toolbox includes several evaluation metrics for trajectory prediction, implemented in the metrics module. The metrics are designed to handle both uni- and multi-modal predictions. Predictions are expected to be in the form of (batch_size, num_timesteps, 2) or (batch_size, num_timesteps, num_modes, 2), where num_modes is the number of modes in the prediction.

There is also support for mode-first predictions of shape (batch_size, num_modes, num_timesteps, 2) that can be used by setting the mode_first flag to True. Users can of course change the default behavior by directly modifying the metrics.

Most metrics are also compatible with specifying a min_criterion (FDE, ADE, MAP) that is used to select which of the modes to evaluate against the ground-truth target (Default: FDE). Setting min_criterion to MAP will evaluate the metrics based on the mode with the highest predicted probability. Note that MAP can only be used in conjunction with the optional argument Prob of shape (batch_size, num_modes) representing the weights of each mode.

The following metrics are implemented:

For their mathematical definitions, please refer to the paper.


The toolbox has been developed for use of the highD, rounD, and inD datasets. The datasets contain recorded trajectories from different locations in Germany, including various highways, roundabouts, and intersections. Their high quality and reliability make them particularly suitable for early-stage research and development. They are freely available for non-commercial use, which is our targeted audience, but require applying for usage through the links:

Several datasets in the leveLXData suite were recently updated (April 2024) that include improvements to the maps, as well as the addition of some new locations. This toolbox is designed to work with the updated datasets, and we recommend using the latest versions for the most recent features to avoid having to modify the toolbox.

We found that the toolbox works with the uniD dataset with minor adjustments, but we have yet to evaluate it in detail.

We are working on adding support for the exiD dataset that we aim to include in future versions of the toolbox.

highD: The Highway Drone Dataset


Scenario-based testing for the safety validation of highly automated vehicles is a promising approach that is being examined in research and industry. This approach heavily relies on data from real-world scenarios to derive the necessary scenario information for testing. Measurement data should be collected at a reasonable effort, contain naturalistic behavior of road users and include all data relevant for a description of the identified scenarios in sufficient quality. However, the current measurement methods fail to meet at least one of the requirements. Thus, we propose a novel method to measure data from an aerial perspective for scenario-based validation fulfilling the mentioned requirements. Furthermore, we provide a large-scale naturalistic vehicle trajectory dataset from German highways called highD. We evaluate the data in terms of quantity, variety and contained scenarios. Our dataset consists of 16.5 hours of measurements from six locations with 110 000 vehicles, a total driven distance of 45 000 km and 5600 recorded complete lane changes.

   title={The highD Dataset: A Drone Dataset of Naturalistic Vehicle Trajectories on German Highways for Validation of Highly Automated Driving Systems},
   author={Krajewski, Robert and Bock, Julian and Kloeker, Laurent and Eckstein, Lutz},
   booktitle={2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)},

Dataset Overview

  • Naturalistic trajectory dataset on six different recording locations
  • In total 110 500 vehicles
  • Road user classes: car, trucks

rounD: The Roundabouts Drone Dataset


The development and validation of automated vehicles involves a large number of challenges to be overcome. Due to the high complexity, many classic approaches quickly reach their limits and data-driven methods become necessary. This creates an unavoidable need for trajectory datasets of road users in all relevant traffic scenarios. As these trajectories should include naturalistic and diverse behavior, they have to be recorded in public traffic. Roundabouts are particularly interesting because of the density of interaction between road users, which must be considered by an automated vehicle for behavior planning. We present a new dataset of road user trajectories at roundabouts in Germany. Using a camera-equipped drone, traffic at a total of three different roundabouts in Germany was recorded. The tracks consisting of positions, headings, speeds, accelerations and classes of objects were extracted from recorded videos using deep neural networks. The dataset contains a total of six hours of recordings with more than 13 746 road users including cars, vans, trucks, buses, pedestrians, bicycles and motorcycles. In order to make the dataset as accessible as possible for tasks like scenario classification, road user behavior prediction or driver modeling, we provide source code for parsing and visualizing the dataset as well as maps of the recording sites.

    title={The rounD Dataset: A Drone Dataset of Road User Trajectories at Roundabouts in Germany},
    author={Krajewski, Robert and Moers, Tobias and Bock, Julian and Vater, Lennart and Eckstein, Lutz},
    booktitle={2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)},

Dataset Overview

  • Naturalistic trajectory dataset on three different recording locations
  • In total ~ 13 740 road users
  • Road user classes: car, van, trailer, truck, bus, pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists

inD: The Intersections Drone Dataset


Automated vehicles rely heavily on data-driven methods, especially for complex urban environments. Large datasets of real world measurement data in the form of road user trajectories are crucial for several tasks like road user prediction models or scenario-based safety validation. So far, though, this demand is unmet as no public dataset of urban road user trajectories is available in an appropriate size, quality and variety. By contrast, the highway drone dataset (highD) has recently shown that drones are an efficient method for acquiring naturalistic road user trajectories. Compared to driving studies or ground-level infrastructure sensors, one major advantage of using a drone is the possibility to record naturalistic behavior, as road users do not notice measurements taking place. Due to the ideal viewing angle, an entire intersection scenario can be measured with significantly less occlusion than with sensors at ground level. Both the class and the trajectory of each road user can be extracted from the video recordings with high precision using state-of-the-art deep neural networks. Therefore, we propose the creation of a comprehensive, large-scale urban intersection dataset with naturalistic road user behavior using camera-equipped drones as successor of the highD dataset. The resulting dataset contains more than 11500 road users including vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians at intersections in Germany and is called inD. The dataset consists of 10 hours of measurement data from four intersections.

    title={The inD Dataset: A Drone Dataset of Naturalistic Road User Trajectories at German Intersections},
    author={Bock, Julian and Krajewski, Robert and Moers, Tobias and Runde, Steffen and Vater, Lennart and Eckstein, Lutz},
    booktitle={2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)},

Dataset Overview

  • Naturalistic trajectory dataset on four different recording locations
  • In total ~ 8200 vehicles and ~ 5300 vulnerable road users (VRUs)
  • Road user classes: car, truck/bus, pedestrians, bicyclists

Related work

We have been working with the Drone datasets in several research projects, resulting in multiple published papers focused on behavior prediction. If you're interested in learning more about our findings, please refer to the following publications:

  • Authors: Theodor Westny, Björn Olofsson, and Erik Frisk
  • Published In: Manuscript submitted for publication

The ability to predict the future trajectories of traffic participants is crucial for the safe and efficient operation of autonomous vehicles. In this paper, a diffusion-based generative model for multi-agent trajectory prediction is proposed. The model is capable of capturing the complex interactions between traffic participants and the environment, accurately learning the multimodal nature of the data. The effectiveness of the approach is assessed on large-scale datasets of real-world traffic scenarios, showing that our model outperforms several well-established methods in terms of prediction accuracy. By the incorporation of differential motion constraints on the model output, we illustrate that our model is capable of generating a diverse set of realistic future trajectories. Through the use of an interaction-aware guidance signal, we further demonstrate that the model can be adapted to predict the behavior of less cooperative agents, emphasizing its practical applicability under uncertain traffic conditions.

  title={Diffusion-Based Environment-Aware Trajectory Prediction},
  author={Westny, Theodor and Olofsson, Bj{\"o}rn and Frisk, Erik},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.11643},
  • Authors: Theodor Westny, Joel Oskarsson, Björn Olofsson, and Erik Frisk
  • Published In: 2023 IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, Vol. 8, No. 9

Enabling resilient autonomous motion planning requires robust predictions of surrounding road users' future behavior. In response to this need and the associated challenges, we introduce our model titled MTP-GO. The model encodes the scene using temporal graph neural networks to produce the inputs to an underlying motion model. The motion model is implemented using neural ordinary differential equations where the state-transition functions are learned with the rest of the model. Multimodal probabilistic predictions are obtained by combining the concept of mixture density networks and Kalman filtering. The results illustrate the predictive capabilities of the proposed model across various data sets, outperforming several state-of-the-art methods on a number of metrics.

  title="{MTP-GO}: Graph-Based Probabilistic Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction with Neural {ODEs}",
  author={Westny, Theodor and Oskarsson, Joel and Olofsson, Bj{\"o}rn and Frisk, Erik},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles},
  • Authors: Theodor Westny, Joel Oskarsson, Björn Olofsson, and Erik Frisk
  • Published In: In 2023 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)

Given their flexibility and encouraging performance, deep-learning models are becoming standard for motion prediction in autonomous driving. However, with great flexibility comes a lack of interpretability and possible violations of physical constraints. Accompanying these data-driven methods with differentially-constrained motion models to provide physically feasible trajectories is a promising future direction. The foundation for this work is a previously introduced graph-neural-network-based model, MTP-GO. The neural network learns to compute the inputs to an underlying motion model to provide physically feasible trajectories. This research investigates the performance of various motion models in combination with numerical solvers for the prediction task. The study shows that simpler models, such as low-order integrator models, are preferred over more complex, e.g., kinematic models, to achieve accurate predictions. Further, the numerical solver can have a substantial impact on performance, advising against commonly used first-order methods like Euler forward. Instead, a second-order method like Heun’s can greatly improve predictions.

  title={Evaluation of Differentially Constrained Motion Models for Graph-Based Trajectory Prediction},
  author={Westny, Theodor and Oskarsson, Joel and Olofsson, Bj{\"o}rn and Frisk, Erik},
  booktitle={IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)},


We welcome contributions to the toolbox, and we encourage you to submit pull requests with new features, bug fixes, or improvements. Any form of collaboration is appreciated, and we are open to suggestions for new features or changes to the existing codebase. Please direct your inquiries to the authors of the paper.


If you use the toolbox in your research, please consider citing the paper:

  title={A Preprocessing and Evaluation Toolbox for Trajectory Prediction Research on the Drone Datasets},
  author={Westny, Theodor and Olofsson, Bj{\"o}rn and Frisk, Erik},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.00604},

Feel free email us if you have any questions or notice any issues with the toolbox. If you have any suggestions for improvements or new features, we would be happy to hear from you.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.


Code for running the implementations proposed in: Westny, T., Olofsson, B., and Frisk, E., "A Preprocessing and Evaluation Toolbox for Trajectory Prediction Research on the Drone Datasets"







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