The findingNIPAH pipeline is a Nextflow-based tool designed for detecting the NIPAH virus in animal samples, such as bat urine and feces, from Illumina paired-end metagenomic sequencing data.
Host genome indexing.
Quality control using fastp.
Alignment to the host genome using bwa.
Host sequence filtering and extraction of paired-end FASTQ files using samtools.
Contig assembly using megahit.
BLASTN and BLASTX searches against NIPAH virus-related databases.
- clone repository
git clone
- create nextflow environment and install nextflow
conda create -n nextflow-env
conda activate nextflow-env
conda install nextflow
- install docker see here
- get host genome
Before proceeding, set the clone as the working directory
cd ~/findingNIPAH
nextflow run --index \
--ref_seq <path/to/reference_fasta.fna> \
--index_dir <NAME_of_index_directory>
- <path/to/reference_fasta.fna>: Provide the path to the host reference genome in .fna format
- <NAME_of_index_directory>: Specify the name of the index directory (not the path)
nextflow run --reads <path/to/fastq> \
--out_dir <output_directory_NAME> \
--index_folder <index_folder_NAME>
- <path/to/fastq>: Provide the path to the input FASTQ files.
- <output_directory_NAME>: Specify the name of the output directory (not the path).
- <index_folder_NAME>: Specify the name of the index folder (not the path).
The pipeline uses the following detection criteria for NIPAH virus:
- BLAST alignment of >100 nt/aa
- E-value < 0.00001 or bit score > 100