The goal of R package idgeo
is to combine all mapping functions and ID
Research specific mapping tools into a single place
You can install the development version of idgeo
like so:
This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:
# create choropleth leaflet maps quickly without having to define palettes and legends
# some shapefiles are built in
# a map with a zoomed out mini map
prettyLeaflet(sf_nc_counties, mini = T) |>
# of NC land area (numeric will use viridis color palette)
addPrettyPolygons(zcol = 'ALAND') |>
# with a nice title
addTitleControl('North Carolina', 'Land Area (sq meters)')
# mapping a categorical variable (uses Okabe-Ito, colorblind safe palette)
prettyLeaflet(sf_nc_counties |>
dplyr::mutate(`Over 1b?` = dplyr::if_else(ALAND > 1000000000, 'Yes', 'No'))) |>
addPrettyPolygons(zcol = 'Over 1b?',
legendtitle = 'Land Area > 1b sq m') |>
addTitleControl('North Carolina', 'Land Area (sq meters)')