The Plivo Python helper simplifies the process of making REST calls and generating RESTXML.
See Plivo Documentation for more information.
- Run:
- $ sudo pip install plivohelper
- Download the source and run:
- $ sudo python install
To use the Plivo helper library, just 'import plivohelper' in the your current python file. As shown in, you will need to specify the ACCOUNT_ID and ACCOUNT_TOKEN, before you can make REST requests.
Before you run the examples, you should have Plivo Running along with FreeSWITCH Running and a user 1000 logged in.
See Plivo Documentation for more information. include this library in your code
examples/ example usage of REST Call
examples/ example usage of REST Bulk Calls
examples/ example usage of REST Transfer Live Call
examples/ example usage of REST Hangup Live Call
examples/ example usage of the RESTXML generator
examples/ example usage of utilities
**examples/phonemenu/ (Requires Flask)
Plivo Python Helper Library is derived from Twilio Python Helper
The Plivo Python Helper Library is distributed under the MIT License