Nagi is a Leaderboard system that helps you rank million user data.
The Detail Design (ä¸ć–‡|chinese)
In system, supporting two leaderboard ways, one is ranking by score DESC,the same score has the same rank; another is 'dense' that ranks by score DESC, entry id ASC, the same score has diffrent rank order by entry id ASC.
In leaderboard attribute 'adapter', has four values ('base', 'bucket', 'block', 'chunk'), they are four leaderboard algorithms, but the kernel algorithm is bucket sort algorithm.
When you don't use base adapter to rank leaderboard, you shuld set cron to fresh the bucket table
When set leaderboard adapter to 'base', the system will use the MySQL SQL, realtime sort the entries. It suits for small data leaderboard that less 10k data.
When set leaderboard adapter to 'bucket', it will summary user count by score to help rank your leaderboard.
When set leaderboard adapter to 'block', it will summary user's conunt by a static scoce grap, like score block [0-100], [101-200]..., it can be used to rank the user score histgram is steady and smooth.
When set leaderboard adapter to 'chunk', unlike block algorithm using a static score grap, but is dynamic score grap that makes sure user's count between a suitable range like (5000, 10000]
Firstly download or fetch it form github then run the command in shell:
cd nagi # the path to the project
python install
Make sure you had installed MySQLdb before install the module
Built and tested under Python 2.7 (maybe supports Python 2.6)
Fork or download it, then run:
cd nagi # the path to the project
python develop
- create database in mysql:
- then run the mysql schema.sql script in the project directoy schema:
mysql -u yourusername -p yourpassword yourdatabase < schema.sql
if your database has not been created yet, log into your mysql first using:
mysql -u yourusername -p yourpassword yourdatabase
mysql>CREATE DATABASE a_new_database_name
# = you can =
mysql> USE a_new_database_name
mysql> source schema.sql
mysql -u yourusername -p yourpassword a_new_database_name < schema.sql
from nagi import db
from nagi.leaderboard import leaderboard
from nagi.thing import thing_setup
# setup db setting
# pool_opt sets the db pool min connections and max connections
db.setup('host', 'usern', 'pass', 'database', pool_opt={'minconn': 3, 'maxconn': 10})
# setup thing_setup, initialize the thing_setup bind the data-mapper
# use the leaderboard api
lb = leaderboard(leaderboard_id=1) # find leaderboard by leaderboard_id
lb = leaderboard(name='name') # load leaderboard by name
lb.rank_for_user(12) # rank a user by user id
lb.rank_for_users([12, 2]) # rank users by users
lb.rank(limit=2, offset=10)
#=>[<Entry leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:11, score:29, data:{u'user': u'user_11'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, ra
leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:12, score:29, data:{u'user': u'user_12'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:5]
When set the dense:
lb.rank(limit=2, offset=10, dense=True)
#=> [<Entry leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:11, score:29, data:{u'user': u'user_11'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:11>, <Entr
# y leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:12, score:29, data:{u'user': u'user_12'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:12>]
#=> <Entry leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:11, score:29, data:{u'user': u'user_11'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:5>
lb.rank_for_user(11, True) # dense rank
#=><Entry leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:11, score:29, data:{u'user': u'user_11'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:11>
#=> [<Entry leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:1, score:33, data:{u'user': u'user_1'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:1>, <Entry
# leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:11, score:29, data:{u'user': u'user_11'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:5>]
lb.rank_for_users([1,11], True) # dense rank
#=> [<Entry leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:1, score:33, data:{u'user': u'user_1'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:1>, <Entry
#leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:11, score:29, data:{u'user': u'user_11'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:11>]
#=> [<Entry leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:2, score:32, data:{u'user': u'user_2'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:2>, <Entry
# leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:3, score:32, data:{u'user': u'user_3'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:2>, <Entry leaderbo
# ard_id:2, entry_id:4, score:32, data:{u'user': u'user_4'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:2>]
lb.rank_at(3, True) # dense rank
#=> [<Entry leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:3, score:32, data:{u'user': u'user_3'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:3>]
Retrieve ranks around a user:
#=> [<Entry leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:31, score:23, data:{u'user': u'user_31'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:11>, <Ent
# ry leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:32, score:22, data:{u'user': u'user_32'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:12>, <Entry le
# aderboard_id:2, entry_id:33, score:22, data:{u'user': u'user_33'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:12>, <Entry leaderb
# oard_id:2, entry_id:34, score:22, data:{u'user': u'user_34'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:12>, <Entry leaderboard_
# id:2, entry_id:35, score:21, data:{u'user': u'user_35'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:13>]
lb.around_me(33, dense=True)
#=> [<Entry leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:31, score:23, data:{u'user': u'user_31'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:31>, <Ent
# ry leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:32, score:22, data:{u'user': u'user_32'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:32>, <Entry le
# aderboard_id:2, entry_id:33, score:22, data:{u'user': u'user_33'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:33>, <Entry leaderb
# oard_id:2, entry_id:34, score:22, data:{u'user': u'user_34'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:34>, <Entry leaderboard_
# id:2, entry_id:35, score:21, data:{u'user': u'user_35'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:35>]
lb.around_me(33, bound=1)
#=> [<Entry leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:33, score:22, data:{u'user': u'user_33'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:12>, <Ent
# ry leaderboard_id:2, entry_id:34, score:22, data:{u'user': u'user_34'}, created:2014-08-17 12:49:01, rank:12>]
The cron is a distributed scheduler that freshs leaderboard:
# you shuoud setup database firstly, see setup database section
from nagi.cron import Cron
cron = Cron(limit=5) # set the threads count to work
cron.add_job('cron_job', 'every 5')
cron.cancel_job('cron_job') # start the scheduler
You just need to add a job once time, it will stroe in database for reuse, name is the name of leaderboard need fresh:
cron.add_job(name='cron_job', event='every 5')
cron.add_job(name='cron_job', event='at 201408310804')
Delete a job from database by job name:
When you add job to scheduler, you see a event arugement. it is a specfic how to fresh leaderboard. Current event supports three types:
this event will only run once, in a future datetime, it should at least 1 minute speed from now: the pattern as below:
at %Y%m%d%H%M
this event will run in loop by minute(s), the pattern is a unsiged integer:
every minute(s)
this event pattern is pattern of crontab, current supports:
field allowed values ----- -------------- minute 0-59 hour 0-23 day of month 1-31 month 1-12 day of week 0-7
and the every sub pattern only support below regex expression format:
Leaderboard has three attributes:
name: an unique name for human beings leaderboard_id: an identifier generate by mysql adapter: the name of leaboarderd adapter, see the Desgin session
leaderboard_id: the leaboarderd id means what leaderboard the current entry beings entry_id: An unique identifier in one leaderboard, you can set user id as entry id score: the user's score data: a custom json data, like '{"name": "Natume"}' created: the entry creation datetime rank: only set in LeaderBoard when rank
The Project Architecture is data mapper pattern. The most important parts are Thing and Model, Thing (Mapper) is Data Access Layer that performs bidirectional transfer of data between a persistent data store.
Thing is used to store the model to database, current supports "entry", "job", "leadebaord":
backed = Thing('entry')
find: load by leaderboard_id and eid find_by_score: find entry by score from leaderboard find_by_entry_ids: find entries by user ids save: save entry to database, if duplicete, will update the entry delete: delete the entry from database total: the leaderboard entries total count
find: load leaderboard from database by leaderboard id find_by_name: load job from database by name save: if leaderboard_id is None, create a new in database, else update delete: delele leaderboard from database by Leaderboard(leaderboard_id)
Copyright (C) 2014 Thomas Huang
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.