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Dating App Like Tinder - Expo

4 screens are availables : Explore, Matches, Messages and Profile. You'll find some components like Card Component to pass props and variant. No frameworks UI like Bootstrap or Material UI are used.

  • Easy to use 🤘
  • Made with Expo
  • TypeScript supported 🌞

Installation and usage

Be sure, you have installed all dependencies and applications to run Expo project on your computer : Getting Started with Expo.

This project works fine on iOS and Android.

Running the project

Clone this repository :

git clone
cd tinder-expo

Install packages :


When installation is complete, run it :

yarn start



Name Type Required Description Example
image string Yes Picture of member. image="https://..."
name string Yes Name of member. name="John Doe"
description string Yes Description of member. description="Full-time Traveller. Globe Trotter."
matches string Yes Match percentage. matches="95"
hasActions boolean No Display actions buttons (Like, Dislike, ...). actions
isOnline string No Display online or offline badge (Online and Offline). status="Online"
hasVariant boolean No Display another style of card (used for Matches screen). variant


Name Type Required Description Example
image string Yes Picture of member. image="https://..."
name string Yes Name of member. name="John Doe"
lastMessage string Yes Last message of member. lastMessage="You want order in Gotham. Batman must take off his mask and turn himself in."


Name Type Required Description Example
name string Yes Name of member. name="John Doe"
matches string Yes Match percentage. matches="95"
age string No Age of member. age="25"
location string No Location of member. location="Paris, France"
info1 string No More information of member. info1="Straight, Single"
info2 string No More information of member. info2="Tea Totaller & Loves Photography"
info3 string No More information of member. info3="Beaches, Mountain & Coffee"
info4 string No More information of member. info4="Last seen: 23h ago"