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Trace-Alignment CI

This tool aligns log traces for Business Process Mining using Automated Planning techniques.


This is the output of the cli java -jar app/build/libs/app-0.0.1.jar --help:

Usage: TraceAligner [-hqV] [-e=encoding] -f=FORMULAS_FILE
                                -l=LOG_FILE [-o=OUT] LDLf
TraceAligner aligns log trace using Automated Planning techniques.
      LDLf                  If using LDLf formulas.
                              Default: false
  -q, --quiet               Quite mode.
  -h, --help                Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version             Print version information and exit.
  -l, --log=LOG_FILE        Path to the log file.
  -f, --formulas=FORMULAS_FILE
                            Path to the formulas file.
  -e, --encoding=encoding   The PDDL encoding type.
                            0: General
                            1: General with Conjunctive Goals
                            2: General with Shared States
                            3: General with Conjunctive Goals and Shared States
                            4: Strips with Conjunctive Goals
                              Default: 0
  -o, --output=OUT          Path to the output folder.
                              Default: ./output/


Java JDK

We use the Java JDK 1.8


We use Gradle as a build tool. Please check the official website to download it for your platform.

OpenXES, Lydia

The project depends on the following libraries:

  • OpenXES: to handle XES logs;
  • Lydia: for the translation of LTLf/LDLf formulas to DFA.

OpenXES is already included in this repository within the third_party folder. Instead, to install Lydia, please refer to its official repository.



To build from source, clone the repository:

git clone

To build and run tests:

./gradlew build

To install:

./gradlew install

Afterwards, to run the program:

java -jar app/build/libs/app-0.0.1.jar

Apptainer image

An Apptainer image is available for TraceAligner.

To build the image, run:

apptainer build tracealigner.sif tracealigner.def

Then, you can run TraceAligner with:

./tracealigner.sif --help



This software is released under the MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2021-2023 WhiteMech


If you use TraceAligner in your research, please consider citing the following paper:

    title = {A Tool for Declarative Trace Alignment via Automated Planning},
    author = {Giuseppe {De Giacomo} and Francesco Fuggitti and Fabrizio Maria Maggi and Andrea Marrella and Fabio Patrizi},
    journal = {Software Impacts},
    volume = {16},
    pages = {100505},
    year = {2023},
    issn = {2665-9638},
    doi = {},


This work has been partially funded by the ERC Advanced Grant "WhiteMech" (No. 834228) and by the TAILOR research network (No. 952215), the PRIN project RIPER (No. 20203FFYLK), and the JPMorgan AI Faculty Research Award "Resilience-based Generalized Planning and Strategic Reasoning".