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The Dead Bunny Collective
Because enumeration is key


@Codename: f
@Version : Beta
# [!] Plugin install fixed

Sifter Plugins

# Released Extentions - G - Sifter's g extention gives a GUI overlay
   '--> Built on top of eDEX-UI
- F - Sifter's f extention provides the DanderFuzz Exploitational Plugin for Sifter
   '--> Framework created by the EquationGroup courtesy of The Shadow Brokers
- M - Sifter's m extention provided malware analysis tools.


The F extension provides the DanderFuzz Exploitational Framework to Sifter
This plugin gives Sifter an extraordinary amount of extra offensive power when targeting Windows machines.
This extention is useful when needing seamless exploits while avoiding user notification & BSOD's.

# Created by : The EquationGroup
# Courtesy of: The Shadow Brokers

Sifter's Tested OS

Working on: - Kali
	    - Parrot
	    - Ubuntu
	    - Linux (any distro)
	    - Windows (Linux Subsystem with Docker and VcXsrc installed correctly - for xterm use)

Works on windows with linux-subsystem but please ensure docker is properly installed and configured,
following the instructions from docker website
nMap doesn't work on windows, due to port issues
but Zenmap (nMap GUI) can be used instead. A few other issues may arise too.
Untested on mac, though theoretically the same should apply to mac as windows - regarding docker install & tools


[!] To install the F extention, copy and paste the following into a terminal:
$ git clone && cd f && bash
	* After the script completes you will be able to use the FuzzyDander Module 
	* under the Microsoft Exploitation Menu.


Sifter can be found here

Other Projects

All information on projects in development can be found here.
For any requests or ideas on current projects please submit an issue request to the corresponding tool.
For ideas or collaboration requests on future projects., contact details can be found on the page.

GitHub Pages can be found here.
- MkCheck = MikroTik Router Exploitation Tool
- TigerShark = Multi-Tooled Phishing Framework

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