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Carlos Roldan edited this page Apr 20, 2019 · 2 revisions

Assesment Details

AU Status

Undergraduate or PG Taught

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Full Name

Carlos Roldan Torrergosa

Please enter the name of the person responsible for reviewing your assessment.

Alexandors Giagkos

Please enter the email address of the person responsible for reviewing your assessment

Supervisor or Institute Director of Research Department


Module code (Only enter if you have been asked to do so)


Proposed Study Title

Lightning Network Simulation

Proposed Start Date

6th, January of 2019

Proposed Completion Date

23th, May of 2019

Are you conducting a quantitative or qualitative research project?


Does your research require external ethical approval under the Health Research Authority?


Does your research involve animals?


Are you completing this form for your own research?


Does your research involve human participants?




Please provide a brief summary of your project (150 word max)

The lightning network is a second layer protocol to leverage the power of blockchains and smart contracts. The network is composed of payment channels to allow the creation of microtransactions within the network. My project is a simulation of the lightning network to showcase the current challenges on the routing mechanisms and provide my own solutions to improve it. I am also creating a qualitative analysis of the network topology by simulating different scenarios of the lightning network in terms of mesh connectivity, nodes balances and payment channels capacities.

Where appropriate, do you have consent for the publication, reproduction or use of any unpublished material?


Will appropriate measures be put in place for the secure and confidential storage of data?


Does the research pose more than the minimal and predictable risk to the researcher?


Will you be travelling, as a foreign national, into any areas that the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office advise against travel to?


Please include any further relevant information for this section here:

If you are to be working alone with vulnerable people or children, you may need a DBS (CRB) check. Tick to confirm that you will ensure you comply with this requirement should you identify that you require one.


Declaration: Please tick to confirm that you have completed this form to the best of your knowledge and that you will inform your department should the proposal significantly change.


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