Go package providing tools for indexing Who's On First records in SQLite databases.
Documentation is incomplete at this time.
This package is a very thin wrapper around the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-database package. That package provides all of the actual functionality for indexing Who's On First records but does NOT load any specific database/sql
drivers. That happens in this package.
Both the mattn/go-sqlite3 and the modernc.org/sqlite drivers are made available for tools built with the -tags mattn
and -tags modernc
flags, respectively.
Note that because both of the package (and especially the modernc.org/sqlite
package are very large the vendor
package is not included by defaut with this package. You will need to go mod tidy
and go mod vendor
the dependencies manually.
$> make cli
go build -tags mattn -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-sqlite-index cmd/wof-sqlite-index/main.go
If you want to specify alternate tags you can do so with the TAGS=
Makefile variable. For example:
$> make cli TAGS=mattn,modernc
Index one or more Who's On First sources in a SQLite database.
This tool supersedes the wof-sqlite-index-features
tool from the whosonfirst/go-whosonfist-sqlite-features-index package.
$> ./bin/wof-sqlite-index -h
Index all tables (except the 'search' and 'geometries' tables which you need to specify explicitly)
Index the 'ancestors' tables
Index the 'concordances' tables
-database-uri string
A URI in the form of 'sql://{DATABASE_SQL_ENGINE}?dsn={DATABASE_SQL_DSN}'. For example: sql://sqlite3?dsn=test.db
Index the 'geojson' table
Index the 'geometries' table (requires that libspatialite already be installed)
-index-alt value
Zero or more table names where alt geometry files should be indexed.
Index alt geometries. This flag is deprecated, please use -index-alt=TABLE,TABLE,etc. instead. To index alt geometries in all the applicable tables use -index-alt=*
Index the records related to a feature, specifically wof:belongsto, wof:depicts and wof:involves. Alt files for relations are not indexed at this time.
-index-relations-reader-uri string
A valid go-reader.Reader URI from which to read data for a relations candidate.
-iterator-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate/v2 URI. Supported emitter URI schemes are: directory://,featurecollection://,file://,filelist://,geojsonl://,null://,repo:// (default "repo://")
Index the 'names' table
Attempt to optimize the database before closing connection (default true)
-processes int
The number of concurrent processes to index data with (default 20)
Index the 'properties' table
Index the 'rtree' table
Index the 'search' table (using SQLite FTS4 full-text indexer)
If true then index the necessary tables for use with the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial-sqlite package.
Index the 'spelunker' table
If true then index the necessary tables for use with the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spelunker packages
Index the 'spr' table
Be strict when indexing alt geometries (default true)
Index the 'supersedes' table
Display timings during and after indexing
Enable verbose (debug) logging
For example:
$> ./bin/wof-sqlite-index \
-database-uri 'sql://sqlite3?dsn=test.db' \
-timings -spatial-tables \
2024/12/13 10:01:14 INFO Time to index table table=geojson count=98764 time=7.604906428s
2024/12/13 10:01:14 INFO Time to index table table=rtree count=98764 time=14.588749044s
2024/12/13 10:01:14 INFO Time to index table table=properties count=98764 time=6.109436136s
2024/12/13 10:01:14 INFO Time to index table table=spr count=98764 time=29.349679552s
2024/12/13 10:04:14 INFO Time to index table table=properties count=410829 time=35.907407165s
2024/12/13 10:04:14 INFO Time to index table table=spr count=410829 time=1m42.546600206s
2024/12/13 10:04:14 INFO Time to index all count=410829 time=4m0.01180175s
2024/12/13 10:05:07 time to index paths (1) 4m52.480048125s