Git Connected is a social networking application that allows software engineers to reciprocate connections, follows, and endorsements - built by and for the 100Devs community.
- Features
- Tools and technologies
- Contributing
β₯οΈ - Installation and local development
- Contributors
- License
- Login through Discord OAuth first checks if a user is a part of the 100Devs server
- Connect your GitHub and Twitter accounts
- Update your username, location, and bio
- Follow other 100Devs directly in-app
- A featured 100Dev page
User login that only allows members of the 100Devs Discord server.
Follow other 100Devs and be followed on all platforms, directly in-app.
Future improvements:
- Users can add tags to their profiles (coffee chat, currently employed, looking for work, group project, etc.)
- User search by location and tags
- Group project forum where users can pin GitHub repos
Please see the for a detailed guide on contributing.
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!
There are several ways to help.
Spread the word: More users means more people testing and contributing to the app which in turn means better stability and possibly more and better features. You can tweet about it, share it on LinkedIn, reddit or any of your favorite social media platforms. Every little bit helps!
Provide a Pull Request: Here is a list of the most popular community requests and here's some info on installation and setup. Please make sure that you're following the Conentional Commits guideline and to also include the issue number in your commit message, if you're fixing a particular issue (e.g.:
test: create unit test for new user (#44)
). Please for more details. -
Answer questions: You know the answer to another user's problem? Share your knowledge!
Provide your opinion: Your input might be helpful even if it is just an up- or down-vote.
Provide a more refined ui spec for existing feature requests
Make a feature or improvement request: Something can be be done better? Something essential missing? Let us know!
Design, ideas, planning, project management, etc.: You don't have to be programmer to help! See the this list on all-contributors for more ideas.
These instructions will get a copy of the project on your local machine for development and testing purposes. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to Wil Gerard.
- Node v16 or higher
- Yarn v3.2.0
For instructions on installing Node, please visit
npm install -g yarn
yarn set version berry
git clone
You will find a .env template at git-connected/server/.envTEMPLATE
Delete "TEMPLATE" from the filename
MONGODB_URL: Instructions on setting up a MongoDB Atlas account. Refer to the image below on where to find your connection string.
DISCORD_CLIENT_ID and DISCORD_SECRET: Instructions on setting up a Discord OAuth application
- Redirect URI:
- Redirect URI:
The previous two environment variables should be enough for most development adjustments. But if you'd like full app functionality, feel free to add the other environment variables.
- TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY and TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET: Create a Twitter OAuth app with v1.1 access
- Redirect URI:
- Redirect URI:
- Redirect URI:
- Redirect URI:
Open a terminal and run this script to start the dev server
yarn workspace server dev
In a new terminal, run this script to start the React client
yarn workspace client start
Git Connected is developed collaboratively with folks across the globe. A huge thank you goes out to those helping make it happen (emoji key):
MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details