With Web Dev, users of Google Assistant can ask for data from caniuse.com.
This data is provided by the caniuse repository.
Feel free to contribute (for the directory "helper" visit this repository), for details check the issues.
I use Dialogflow.com to resolve user querys.
I use my own little helper. When an intent is triggered, it executes the corresponding function in index.php (after line 18).
In the features.txt are all different entities for the caniuse-data. These features can be found in the caniuse/features-json directory.
This features.txt (or better .csv) is structured following:
"addeventlistener", "addeventlistener", "addeventlisteners", "eventlistener", "eventlisteners", "listener", "listeners"
"alternate-stylesheet", "alternate-stylesheet", "alternate-stylesheet", "stylesheet", "stylesheets"
This browsers.txt is structured like features.txt, but uses the browser-names:
"edge","edge","microsoft edge"
"ie","ie","internet explorer"
I use the data from actionsongooglesettings.md to deploy my app.
privacypolicy.html is needed for deployment. (Not beautiful but contains the necessary information)
In the intents directory, you can see all the active intents.