Merge, with tailwind-merge
Merge is a simple Go package to merge HTML attributes.
merger := merge.New(map[string][]merge.MergeFunc{
"class": {merge.ClassMergeFunc},
res := merger.Merge(map[string]any{
"class": "px-4 mx-2 bg-red-500",
}, map[string]any{
"class": "px-4 font-bold",
// map[class:px-4 font-bold mx-2 bg-red-500]
It also supports tailwind-merge through goja.
twMerge, err := merge.NewTailwindMerge()
if err != nil {
merger := merge.New(map[string][]merge.MergeFunc{
"class": {twMerge.TailwindMergeFunc},
res := merger.Merge(map[string]any{
"class": "px-2 py-1 bg-red hover:bg-dark-red",
}, map[string]any{
"class": "p-3 bg-[#B91C1C]",
// "map[class:hover:bg-dark-red p-3 bg-[#B91C1C]]"
The slowest function is by far merge.NewTailwindMerge(). I suggest you run this in a separate goroutine! Subsequent calls to merger.Merge will usually complete in under 1ms.
It allows you to define your own merge logic by defining a custom MergeFunc.
// MergeId prioritises any ID starting with '!'
func MergeId(existing any, incoming any) (remaining any, committed any) {
const exclaimationMark = rune(33) // 33 is the char code for !
existingString := fmt.Sprint(existing)
existingId := strings.TrimSpace(existingString)
if rune(existingId[0]) == exclaimationMark {
return nil, existing
return existing, incoming
Then using it in your merger.
merger := merge.New(map[string][]merge.MergeFunc{
"class": {merge.ClassMergeFunc},
"id": {MergeId},
res := merger.Merge(map[string]any{
"class": "px-4 mx-2 bg-red-500",
"id": "!veryImportantId",
}, map[string]any{
"class": "px-4 font-bold",
"id": "lessImportantId",
// map[class:px-4 font-bold mx-2 bg-red-500 id:!veryImportantId]