This program mimics the bash shell by taking in commands and performing their tasks as usual. You can perfrom tasks such as
ls -lists the files in a directory.
- with all flags
cat -displays everything in a file
echo -prints out what is passed in as a parameter
mkdir -makes a new directory
"#" -everything after this is a comment and does not get executed
& -runs program in background allowing terminal to continue
exit -typing exit will kill the program
rm -removes a file
rmdir -removes a directory
cd -changes the working directory
cd ..(changes to one directory back in the path)
cd (changes to home directory)
cd [directory name] (changes to that directory)
for more features view the /bin page on your computer
the ls command has now been written
ls can take the parameters [no parameters],[-a],[-l],[-R] and any combination on them all
ls can also take file names which will output the contents inside the files or directories
the cd(change directory) command is now working properly
^c does not kill the whole program, just kills program running inside rshell
type make, this will build and compile the program
to run, type bin/rshell
to clean the file, you type make clean and this will discard executibles and object files
type make, this will build both rshell and ls
type bin/ls [argument lists]
when an error is produced, it sometimes gets printed on the line with the "$" and the next line does not have a "$", just need to hit enter again
"#" right after a command does not work properly
- for example (ls# -a) will not execute ls
"#' does not work before commands
when "exit" is typed, sometimes it will need to be typed twice, but it will still exit
ls -R does not work at all
ls with more than one filename does not work