PingerWX is a WX-based http graphical ping tool. It is a simple tool for checking network connectivity and http service response. This is particularly useful when making network routing or firewall configuration changes. This tool is cross platform and is verified to work in Windows, Linux, and OSX (assuming python and the prerequisite libraries are installed).
Will Groves 2013
python --hq --hq
python --update-ms 100 --check-freq 50 --hq --hq --fontsize 20
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--update-ms=TIMERMS display update interval in ms (default 450)
frequency that hosts are queried in terms of number of
display updates (default 7)
number of seconds until green color dissipates
(default 4)
--max-red=REDSECS number of seconds until red color reaches full
strength (default 20)
--hq=HTTPHOSTS, --httpquery=HTTPHOSTS
specify host and port to query via http (ip:port)