PHP wrapper for using the Google Places API. Based on the GPLV2 class created by André Nosalsky.
$apiKey = 'Your Google Places API Key';
$googlePlaces = new googlePlaces($apiKey);
// Set the longitude and the latitude of the location you want to search the surronds of
$latitude = '-33.8804166';
$longitude = '151.2107662';
$googlePlaces->setLocation($latitude . ',' . $longitude);
$results = $googlePlaces->Search();
A search query can be run again for a fresh set of results using the "paging" functionality that was recently added to the API.
To use simply perform a place search as per normal, and then call the repeat method afterward with the 'next_page_token' element returned by the first search eg.
$firstSearch = $googlePlaces->Search();
if (!empty($firstSearch['next_page_token'])) {
$secondSearch = $googlePlaces->repeat($firstSearch['next_page_token']);
The repeat function can be used twice for each search function allowing up to 60 individual results for each search request.