Inspired by Farcaster-Solidity, a lib for building, encoding, and verifying Farcaster MessageData structs containing Frame actions. This might be useful, for example, if you want to use Frames to control a ERC-4337 account, and you want to do more than just check a valid signature. You could accept some fields from the caller, like fid, and populate others yourself: e.g. you could expect the url to match user-op/<chainId>:<calldata>
, in order to verify something about the data that was signed.
Code is not audited, provided as is. Use at your own risk :)
function test_EncodeAndVerify() public {
MessageData memory md = MessageData({
fid: 64417,
timestamp: 97190733,
network: FarcasterNetwork.FARCASTER_NETWORK_TESTNET,
frame_action_body: FrameActionBody({
url: hex"68747470733a2f2f6578616d706c652e636f6d",
button_index: 1,
cast_id: CastId({fid: 64417, hash: hex"e9eca527e4d2043b1f77b5b4d847d4f71172116b"})
// result from hub monorepo
// from hub mono repo
bytes memory sigHex =
(bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = abi.decode(sigHex, (bytes32, bytes32));
bytes32 pk = 0x292404752ddd67080bbfe93af4017e51388ebc3c9fb96b8984658155de590b38;
bool ret = FrameVerifier.verifyMessageData({public_key: pk, signature_r: r, signature_s: s, messageData: md});