Releases: wilsonfreitas/python-bcb
Releases · wilsonfreitas/python-bcb
Many changes
- Date columns of some OData API endpoints are now formatted in the returned Dataframe (Issue #3)
- New methods ODataQuery.raw and ODataQuery.text
- Created class bcb.ODataAPI to directly wrap OData APIs
- Updated documentation
- Updated pyproject.toml
- Updated documentation
- Migrated to poetry
- Added httpx to install_requirements
- Updated docs
- sgs.TaxaJuros upgraded to v2
- Updated README
- Updated requirements files including
- Added
to sphinx - Implemented the definitive wrapper for OData APIs.
- A few APIs have been unlocked: Expectativas, PTAX, taxaJuros, MercadoImobiliario, SPI
- Updated documentation
Changes to make the package more compliant with other packages like Quandl and pandas-datareader.
[0.1.4] - 2021-12-27
- Changed arguments start_date and end_date to start and end to bring conformity with commom python data libraries like Quandl and pandas-datareader, for example.
- bcb.currency.get multi argument, which refers to multivariate time series returned (defaults to True)
- bcb.sgs.get groupby argument
- Sphinx docs implemented
one thing I must say
- BUG fix in get_valid_currency_list: recurrent ConnectionError
- Added side and group_by arguments to currency.get function
- New notebooks with examples
- Added join argument to sgs.get function
everything that matters
- New sgs module downloads time series from SGS BACEN's site
- Notebooks created to show a few examples
- Date class moved to utils module
bass solo take 1
First stable release.
- currency module: download currency exchanges data and wraps up into pandas DataFrame