WARNING: Running a modified BIOS will most likely void your GPU warranty and could potentially destroy your GPU. By using this software you agree to full responsibility for any results to your hardware.
./pbec --help
./pbec -i support/test.rom -s -r ALL
./pbec -i support/test.rom -s -r VRAM_TIMING
./pbec -i support/test.rom -f -r ALL
Copying timing straps from array 0 to arrays 1, 2, 3 from support/test.rom to test2.rom:
./pbec -i support/test.rom -c 0 -p 1 2 3 -o test2.rom
You can also specify the hexadecimal byte form of a timing strap from the command line using the -n
option. The length of the strap should be 96 hexadecimal characters (0-9, a-f).
The following example sets the timing strap in array position 1 to the value specified.
./pbec -i support/test.rom -o test3.rom -n aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbcccccccccc333333333344444444445555555555666666666677777777778888888889abcdef -p 1
Install the gcc compiler tools:
xcode-select --install
apt-get -y install gcc make g++
yum install gcc gcc-c++
make clean && make
./pbec ...
make dockerbuild-ubuntu1604
make dockerbuild-fedora27
This will make the binaries in your host as it uses a mounted volume to the source directory.
Header information taken from the linux source for the AMD drivers at: