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A declarative pojo to pojo mapper. POJO in the sense of a Java bean : assuming default constructor, setters and getters. If you don't have those, this isn't for you, at least for the moment. I might expand this to immutable types or go beyond public classes. In the current release this is not supported.

Simple Example

@Accessors(chain = true)
public class PersonIn {
    // getters/setters + constructor omitted
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;


public class PersonOut {
    // getters/setters + constructor omitted
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;

// define a so-called MappingRegistrar that captures the types and names of the fields 
// the mapping should be performed against.
public class PersonMapper {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        PersonIn in = new PersonIn()

        MappingRegistrar<PersonIn, PersonOut> mapper = new MappingRegistrar<>(){};
        mapper.withMapping("firstName", String.class)
              .withMapping("lastName", String.class);

        PersonOut out = mapper.transform(in);
        System.out.println(out.getFirstName()); // John
        System.out.println(out.getLastName()); // Smith



More interesting example

@Accessors(chain = true)
public class In<T extends Number> {

    private List<T> list;

    private String userAge;
    private String color;


public class Out<R extends Number> {

    private List<R> list;

    private int age;
    private int color;


public class Mapper {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        In<Long> in = new In<Long>()

        MappingRegistrar<In<Long>, Out<Integer>> registrar = new MappingRegistrar<>() {};

        // 1. age mapping : from "userAge" to "age" (String to int, according to the "mapper")
        // only map if Predicate (digits only) matches the given input
            new Builder<String, Integer>().inputFieldName("userAge")

        // 2. color mapping: color to color (String to int, according to the "mapper")
        // only map if output matches the output Predicate (at least 4 digits)

            new Builder<String, Integer>().sameFieldNames("color")
                                          .outputPredicate(x -> x >= 4)

        // 3. map a generic List
        // inputFieldType and outputFieldType both accept a Type
            new Builder<List<Long>, List<Integer>>().sameFieldNames("list")
                                                    .inputFieldType(new TypeToken<List<Integer>>() {}.getType())
                                                    .mapper(longList ->

        Out<Integer> out = registrar.transform(in);
        System.out.println(out.getAge()); // 57
        System.out.println(out.getColor()); // 4
        System.out.println(out.getList()); // [1]



This seems cumbersome, why would I want that?

The creation (and validation of existing methods/fields) is done only once, per each instance of MappingRegistrar. This means that you can create the MappingRegistrar only once and call transform as many times as needed, without only additional overhead.

You can think of the MappingRegistrar as a "file" (statically build and compiled only once) that defines all the needed mappings and their rules.

Speed comparison

For SimpleExample above, here are some results (compared to Datus, direct and map-struct):

Benchmark                Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
SimpleExample.datus      avgt    5   9.989 ± 2.230  ns/op     avgt    5   6.346 ± 1.351  ns/op
SimpleExample.mapStruct  avgt    5   5.298 ± 1.040  ns/op
SimpleExample.mapper     avgt    5  19.377 ± 0.850  ns/op

The direct mappings and map-struct are on par (for obvious reasons) and datus comes next, only then comes mapper.

I lose 2x to datus and around 3-4x to other tools.

If we switch the tests to the more complex example, I still lose, but by a lower margin:

Benchmark                     Mode  Cnt    Score    Error  Units
InterestingExample.datus      avgt    5  164.806 ± 54.982  ns/op     avgt    5  135.487 ±  4.550  ns/op
InterestingExample.mapStruct  avgt    5  135.299 ±  8.550  ns/op
InterestingExample.mapper     avgt    5  198.957 ±  8.532  ns/op


declarative bean to bean mapper







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