Unified algorithm combining DT, DB, and OMI UV aerosol algorithm to be applied to PACE OCI sensor.
To run the program under run directory use run_PACE_Simulation.bash
Before run set up external data path: under run/setup_env.bash there needs to be directory for GMAO data
in run_PACE_Simulation.bash there needs to be change for related file names
line 77 path_obs is the L1B input directory line78 needs to change depending on the L1B file name
line94 call python depending on your system
line113/114 change ncgen directory line 120 nccoy directory change
running the code is ./run_PACE_Simulation.bash
Also under run/OCIUAAER_Config input output directory needs to be defined depending on the directory change of location of the dependency data, these data area shared using UMBC google drive within the release https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T8na0ja0FDkkKAFsINZwTSs_pEivT2Br/view?usp=sharinghttps://github.com/wingsy1212/PACE_OCI_unified_aerosol_retrieval_algorithm/releases![image](https://github.com/wingsy1212/PACE_OCI_unified_aerosol_retrieval_algorithm/assets/68506408/a07d73d0-66be-48a1-9954-6aa089549a99)
Under build folder needs to change Makefile based on the dependency.