The repository contains a description of the Wiren Board Modbus protocol extension and an example implementation of a utility for working with it.
apt update && apt install wb-modbus-ext-scanner
!!! Before use, make sure that the serial port is not being used by another application. Stop the wb-mqtt-serial service
To display help, call the utility without arguments
# wb-modbus-scanner
Wirenboard modbus extension tool. version: 1.2.0
Usage: ./wb-modbus-scanner -d device [-b baud] [-s sn] [-i id] [-D]
-d device TTY serial device
-b baud Baudrate, default 9600
-L use 0x60 (deprecated) cmd instead of 0x46 in scan
-s device sn
-i id slave id
-D debug mode
-l len max len of event data field
-e id event request with confirm 0 for slave id
-E id event request with confirm 1 for slave id
-r reg event control reg
-t type event control type
-c ctrl event control value
For scan use: ./wb-modbus-scanner -d device [-b baud] [-D]
For scan some old fw use: ./wb-modbus-scanner -d device [-b baud] -L [-D]
For set slave id use: ./wb-modbus-scanner -d device [-b baud] -s sn -i id [-D]
For setup event use: ./wb-modbus-scanner -d device [-b baud] -i id -r reg -t type -c ctrl
Event request examples:
./wb-modbus-scanner -d device [-b baud] -e 0 (request + nothing to confirm)
./wb-modbus-scanner -d device [-b baud] -e 4 (request + confirm events from slave 4 flag 0)
./wb-modbus-scanner -d device [-b baud] -E 6 (request + confirm events from slave 6 flag 1)
Example call:
# wb-modbus-scanner -d /dev/ttyRS485-1 -b 115200
Serial port: /dev/ttyRS485-1
Use baud 115200
Send SCAN INIT cmd
Found device ( 1) with serial 4262588889 [FE11F1D9] modbus id: 1 model: MRPS6
Found device ( 2) with serial 4267937719 [FE638FB7] modbus id: 1 model: WBMR6C [MODBUS ID REPEAT]
The utility has detected 2 devices, and their addresses on the modbus bus are repeated, as evidenced by the inscription MODBUS ID REPEAT
If not all devices are found, try running the utility with the -L flag
Example call:
# wb-modbus-scanner -d /dev/ttyRS485-1 -b 115200 -s 4267937719 -i 3
Serial port: /dev/ttyRS485-1
Using baud 115200
Change ID for device with serial 4267937719 [FE638FB7] New ID: 3
Example call:
# wb-modbus-scanner -d /dev/ttyRS485-2 -D -i 62 -r0 -t 1 -c 1
Serial port: /dev/ttyRS485-2
Use baud 9600
-> : 3E 46 18 05 01 00 00 01 01 F3 4F
<- : 3E 46 18 01 01 58 DA
Here we enabled the device with address 62 to transmit an event when coil (type 1) of register 0 changes with priority 1
Example call:
# wb-modbus-scanner -d /dev/ttyRS485-2 -e 0
Serial port: /dev/ttyRS485-2
Using baud 9600
send EVENT GET -> : FD 46 10 00 FF 00 00 C8 9A
<- : FF FF FF FF FF 3E 46 11 00 03 10 01 02 00 03 00 02 04 00 23 01 00 01 01 00 03 00 4F CF
device: 62 - events: 3 flag: 0 event data len: 016 frame len: 024
Event type: 2 id: 3 [0003] payload: 0 device 62
Event type: 4 id: 35 [0023] payload: 1 device 62
Event type: 1 id: 3 [0003] payload: 0 device 62
A request was sent here without confirmation of previous events
in response, the device with address 62 notified three events
discrete (type 2) register 3 changed value, new value 0 input (type 4) register 35 changed value, new value 1 coil (type 1) register 3 changed value, new value 0
We also see that the confirmation flag has the value 0
To confirm events from this device and request the next ones, you need to use the -e switch with address 62
# wb-modbus-scanner -d /dev/ttyRS485-2 -e 62 -D
Serial port: /dev/ttyRS485-2
Use baud 9600
send EVENT GET -> : FD 46 10 00 FF 3E 00 D8 FA
<- : FF FF FF FD 46 12 52 5D