Just practice based on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/developer/terraform/create-k8s-cluster-with-tf-and-aks
In order to deploy Kuksa Cloud, Terraform -tool is first used create necessary infrastucture resources into Microsoft Azure.
Be sure to authenticate to Azure using Azure CLI before runningthese Terraform scripts.
If you are running these scripts in Azure Cloud Shell you are already authenticated.
Otherwise, you can login using, for example, Azure CLI interactively:
$ az login
For other login options see Azure documentation provided by Microsoft: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/authenticate-azure-cli
After you authenticate with Azure CLI, check that the selected
subscription is the one you want to use:
$ az account show --output table
You can list all subscriptions you can use:
$ az account list --output table
To change your selected subscription
$ az account set -s <$SUBSCRIPTION_ID_OR_NAME>
Shared state should always be preferred when working with Terraform.
In order to create one you run $ terraform apply './modules/tfstate_storage_azure/'
This creates:
- Azure Resource Group (default name 'kuksatrng-tfstate-rg')
- Azure Storage Account (default name 'kuksatrngtfstatesa')
- Azure Storage Container (default name 'tfstate')
You can customize naming in './modules/tfstate_storage_azure/variables.tf'. Check file content for naming restrictions and details.
It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with Terraform Workspaces concept and utilize them when using these scripts. (https://www.terraform.io/docs/language/state/workspaces.html)
Creating e.g. new workspace named 'development' with terraform workspace new development
before creating any resources other than shared state you e.g.
- Enable creation of multiple AKS clusters within the same state file
- Prevent accidental deletion of other clusters within the same state file
Other option is to customize state storage parameters e.g. state file name and create a new AKS cluster there.
With these scripts use of workspaces is encouraged.
In order to create one with default parameters (see variables.tf) you run $ terraform apply './'
You can also run $ terraform apply './' -var-file='./example.tfvars'
to get variables from 'example.tfvars' -file.
You can use example.tfvars to e.g. customize naming of various objects.
Changes: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-kubernetes/blob/master/_examples/aks/README.md