This repository contains model's code and replication materials for the paper "Believe me when I say green! Heterogeneous expectations and climate policy uncertainty" by Emanuele Campiglio, Francesco Lamperti and Roberta Terranova.
Here we provide the full code of the dynamic investment model with heterogenous expectations and climate policy uncertainty developed in Campiglio, Lamperti and Terranova (2023). Further, we provide pieces of code to replicate figures from the paper.
- Dowload all files
- To view the model code: open the file "model_function.m"
- To run the model: open the file "run.m" and run it. This calls the model_function file
- To plot results and replicate the figures of the paper: open the files in the "Figures code" folder and run them
For any issues, suggestions and additional information free to contact: Roberta Terranova