A simple lucky draw machine.
Demo on Vimeo: Watch
- Support viewing the machine working from multiple devices at the same time
- Support mobile display and control
- Christmas theme
- Import Candidate List from CSV.
- Draw multiple result at once.
- Download result as txt file.
Install Node.js: http://nodejs.org/
Locate to the folder "lucky-draw/App" and execute the command:
- On Mac, run
npm install
- On Windows, run
npm install
- On Mac, run
Locate to the folder "lucky-draw/App",
- On Mac, run
npm start
- On Windows, run
npm start
- On Mac, run
Open your browser and visit
The demo video is based on the initial lucky draw version which is with simple batch and vertical rolling animation. The latest version as the Master branch has been upgraded with advanced feature.
Should you need the simple version as how the demo works, please check out the branch simple-one-batch-version
Good luck :D