This is my personal template for creating flask applications that require user authentication. It draws heavily from Miguel Greenberg's incredible Flask Mega Tutorial and uses Bootstrap.js for a nice responsive design.
This template is available for you to use, but comes with no guarantee or warranty. Use at your own risk.
virtualenv env
source ./env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
flask db init
flask db migrate -m "Initial database build"
flask db upgrade
flask run
Follow these deploy to Azure for Python instructions through your first push to Azure.
- Create an App Service Plan, Service, and Resource Group to hold the services.
- Create a deployment user.
- Add azure as a remote repository.
Configure the App Service for Python
- Add the Python 3.6 extension.
- Ensure that the web.config file reflects the location of your installed extension.
- On the kudu console, cd into the folder containing the python installed by the extension.
- python -m pip install -r requirements.txt while in that folder.
OPTIONAL: Create an Azure SQL DB Server and Database
Create an application user and grant them permissions.
--On master CREATE LOGIN some_application_user WITH PASSWORD = 'SomeSecurePassword'
--On your application db CREATE USER some_application_user FOR LOGIN some_application_user WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = dbo GO
-- Add user to the database owner role EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datareader', N'some_application_user' GO EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datawriter', N'some_application_user' GO
- Add the environment variables to web.config.
- Create any additional folders on the kudu console.
- Setting an environment variable.
- Powershell: $env:MyVariable=SomeValue
- CMD: set MyVariable=SomeValue
- Linux: export MyVariable=SomeValue
- Viewing an environment variable
- Powershell: Get-ChildItem Env:MyVariable
- CMD: echo %MyVariable%
- Linux: echo $MyVariable