- 🔭 I’m currently working on Snippety and xcodebuild.nvim
- ⚡ It's enough of super-slow macOS Spaces - I've started building FlashSpace
- 🔥 I’m trying to figure out how to extend Neovim skills to maximum
- 🚀 I decided to build my own Xcode in Neovim ecosystem: xcodebuild.nvim
- 🤩 I'm playing with Nix to make my macOS config reproducible and I love it!
- 👨💻 Snippety - productivity application for iOS and macOS to manage snippets
- 🏭 Smog Poland - air pollution tracking application for iOS and Android
- 🛠️ xcodebuild.nvim - open-source Neovim plugin to develop iOS and macOS applications
- ⚡ FlashSpace - open-source virtual workspace manager for macOS
- 📖 wojciechkulik.pl - personal blog