This project was motivated by my having to create a family tree, but not wanting to spend lots of money of software dedicated to create ones. And also, I wanted to learn Svelte and have extensive customization options.
At this moment there is no suppport for i18n, although it is a planned feature.
The project is online at
Here are some rules for adding people into the tree:
- Adding a person using the form, saves one's data in the memory
- To display the tree, it has to have a root - that's the first marriage that was created
- To marry two people
- You must have at least one non-married person in the memory
- For a marriage to be displayed, exactly one of the married ones has to be a child of somebody else
- Fill the form with person's data
- Pick a person you want current person to be married with, using the
Married with
- To edit a person, just click on their card - a modal will appear, where you'll be able to change nearly every data field
- To remove a person, enter the editing modal (by clicking on the person's card) and then click the delete button
- Deleting a person with children, will also delete their children, but will not delete their spouse
- Behaviour of removing a person (especially one with children / marriage), might not work properly sometimes - there are no guarantees, as there are no test yet. They'll be there, once I get the time to write them...
- You can print the tree, using the browser's print menu. Even though it is possible, there are some caveats:
- Printing in that manner only works with Chrome (maybe all Chromium)
- You have to create a custom canvas for large trees - they will overflow the page if too large
- Sometimes the arrows might be misaligned, try refreshing the page (or do it a couple of times?) and then try printing again. If the bug persists - please create an issue, preferably with the exported tree pasted.
- Import / Export a tree: this feature is not a great experince,
but it works...and it doesn't work - at least on the production build- Exporting copies the tree's data to your clipboard
- Importing opens an dialog, where you have to paste the contents of your keyboard - paste only previously exported data, otherwise, things will break
- The storage of the tree is persitent - tree will not disappear after a page refresh - you have to clean it using the button in the bottom left corner
- Clone the repository -
git clone
- Install the necessary packages in the cloned project -
pnpm install
- Run it with
pnpm run dev
A big thanks to anseki for creating LeaderLine, which powers the generation of the arrows.
Another thank you to MacFJA for creating svelte-persistent-store