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This is the first public test release of affstools. It offers only very limited
functionality and is mainly intended to help the affs fs debugging. So far the
package includes only affsck and mkaffs:

affsck: currently only checks filesystem consistence and will only writeback
something if asked to do so. But there is also a readonly switch (-n), so no
harm should be possible. The only repair functionality affsck has is to write
an updated bitmap and even that is only done, if the old one was intact and
can be safely overwritten. You can increase verbosity twice (with -vv) so most
of the file system structure is dumped and can be used to find possible

mkaffs: should work mostly as expected, although the dircache entry isn't
generated yet and a trashcan option might be usefull. mkaffs (and affsck)
support different block sizes than 512, amiga os doesn't :-) (at least not in
the small test I did...).

Compiling the package should be no problem, just "./configure; make" should be
enough. No documentation at this point, but there is "--help" option.

Anyway, you can send all bug reports, feature request and so on to, but please don't expect that I implement more
advanced features immediately, so I would be more thankful about patches. :-)


Amiga Fast File System tools.







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