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Kubernetes CSI for Dropbox Dropbox-CSI


Kubernetes Dropbox-CSI plugin is developed to manage dropbox on kubernetes.

How to use

Create Secret

To connect your dropbox as persistent volume, you need to generate your dropbox access token.

  1. visit link:
  2. Create an app with Full Dropbox access type
  3. Generate Access Token
  4. Run command: kubectl create secret generic dropbox-csi --from-literal=token={YOUR_TOKEN_HERE}

Deploy Dropbox-CSI Plugin

Deploy Dropbox-CSI plugin using Kubectl command.

kubectl create -f ./deploy/k8s-1.17/rbac.yaml 
kubectl create -f ./deploy/k8s-1.17/csi-dropbox-plugin.yaml 
kubectl create -f ./deploy/k8s-1.17/csi-dropbox-attacher.yaml

For now, you can make persistent volume with driver.

kubectl create -f deploy/pod.yaml


Please submit an issue at Issues. You can use both english and korean. If you have other questions please contact: Woohyung Han (