The personal website of Jessica Brentnall.
To build the project locally
$ cd ./site
$ cd bundle exec jekyll build
Install the dependencies:
$ npm run install-jekyll
Run the website:
$ npm start
You may need to run these commands first
$ npm install
$ bundle install
- When running locally, you will only see posts that are in the past or dated for the current day.
- Sometimes the
's are not automatically removed from urls, breaking the websites paths post deployment
GitHub Actions is set up to build on pull request. When a pull request is merged into main, the site will be deployed through github actions
Vonge is a Personal portfolio/blog site template for Jekyll. Browse through a live demo. Increase the web presence of your brand with this configurable theme.
Vonge was made by CloudCannon, the JAMStack Cloud CMS. The component library is built and maintained for use with Bookshop