Simple QMK OLED Font Configurator. Powered with Django, hosted on PythonAnywhere
A simple HTML only web I made out of frustration that most oled font configurator is either down or not compatible with qmk. Still have to add more features to this project.
All the important conversion and drawing codes are currently inline javascript. I would want this to be light and client side, maybe I'll move the JS file, but I probably wouldn't make this a webapp.
This master version is the one currently UP and running on PythonAnywhere. The dev branch of this repo is my current working project to make the website more usable and less barebones.
- Fix current phantom pixel problem
- Make UX smoother and less buggy
- Make my code more encapsulated so it'll work with multiple configuration
- Add more screen, and font size option
- Make per-font quick editor
More to add...