Import csv / json files to MongoDB. Convert data via MongoDB with mongo shell commands and export to csv files.
download RAW data here : 內政部不動產交易實價查詢 ( only 不動產買賣 can be converted, new feature is in the future, select 'csv' format.) Create a folder to store
files. File name will be a name of collection later, just rename these files if you don't like them. -
Set the path of folder you just created on step0.
node 0_1_setDir.js
( path: node_exe_mongoCmd/0_1_setDir.js )
configure database
node 0_setDatabase.js
input a name for dbName that you want to create.
import files to MongoDB.
node 1_mongoimport_CSV_JSON.js
After executing, check your MongoDB, all files will be imported.
convert all collections
node 2_1_mongoCollections_convert.js
After executing, check your MongoDB, there will be some new fields in every document.
export all collections to csv files. ( a csv file each collection.) � A new folder will be created named "csv_for_googleMap" under under your RAW data folder.
node 3_mongoexport_CSV.js