A simple way to understand what block chain is.
based on https://anders.com/blockchain
- See this video and play around the web site. This is a great resource to understand block chain.
- If you want to calculate the Nonce causing a hash with leading zero more than 4 digit , and you can clone this project to play around.
- node.js
After cloning this repository & cd into project directory, then install the dependencies.
$ npm i
Create a log file to write some infomation.
$ mkdir logs
$ cd logs
$ touch log.txt
Reference this web Fill in the info from website fields to following files.
- field 'Block:' -->
- field 'Nonce:' -->
- field 'Data:' -->
$ node dataToHash.js
the terminal with print the infomation like this :
block: 2
nonce: 35990
data: 上千名谷歌員工對公司決定祕密為中國打造一個審查版搜索引擎感到不滿,簽署了一封信,要求公司提高透明度,以便他們了解自己工作的道德後果。
hash: 753ea2d39924e0b21140197bd20ee5e5c951310d42a61eb7fa543b218e018265
- Open
file to set leading zero digits.
//! set digit here
let digit = 4
e.g. let digit = 3
; let digit = 6
$ node calcNonce.js
the terminal with print the infomation like this :
leading_zero: 0000
block: 2
nonce: 35990
===> hash: 753ea2d39924e0b21140197bd20ee5e5c951310d42a61eb7fa543b218e018265
the valid nonce is : 28338
newHash : 0000cc8064dd125f260934c7e8c18a5ffdf8db2d469068285edc9488810247a0
runtime : 932 ms
compare the result with the website. ;D
Every action of mining, the logs info will be logs/log.txt
leading_zero: 000000
block: 1
nonce: 4578
have a good day
===> hash: 0009453179b5cac0f28d0dfd505eaa84f5aa9bacb2a3bab7f90b51a01df397fb
valid nonce : 7102892
===> hash: 0000008ab83bb687aa5722f41de5d43bebcdf4beb90b3b7199e45e3527b37e11
runtime: 81315 ms
https://anders.com/blockchain/blockchain.html https://anders.com/blockchain/distributed.html
https://anders.com/blockchain/tokens.html https://anders.com/blockchain/coinbase.html
There are many fields to effect the coming hash. You can get a final string using 'getText(block, user)' functions with devTools.
block left to right: 1 - 5
user PeerA to PeerC: 1 - 3
in (https://anders.com/blockchain/coinbase.html)
chrome devTools console :
// get a string from PeerC; block2
> getText(2, 3)
return a string:
open singleStr_test.js
assign variable string
with the string from devTools console :
let string = "2215458100.00Anders10.00AndersSophia20.00AndersLucas15.00AndersEmily15.00AndersMadison0000438d7625b86a6f366545b1929975a0d3ff1f8847e56cc587cadddb0ab781"
$ node singleStr_test.js
string: 2215458100.00Anders10.00AndersSophia20.00AndersLucas15.00AndersEmily15.00AndersMadison0000438d7625b86a6f366545b1929975a0d3ff1f8847e56cc587cadddb0ab781
hash: 0000baeab68c2a60f9a6fa56355438d97c672a15494fcea617064d9314f9ff63
compare the result with website. ;D