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Releases: wpmark/wp-post-type-meta


13 Jun 19:14
Choose a tag to compare

Make sure that text inputs on save don't add slashes when they are apostrophes


21 May 14:19
Choose a tag to compare

= 0.9.2 =

  • Amend the way fields are saved. Previously all fields were sanitised with sanitize_text_field however this breaks the content in a wysiwyg so these are now sanitised with wp_kses_post.

= 0.9.1 =

  • When using wpptm_get_field allow a default string to be returned if the field value does not exist.

= 0.9 =

  • Add a name for each settings array index. This makes it easier to remove a setting using the filter
  • Allow each setting to have a description
  • Minor function doc updates

= 0.8 =

  • Sanitize data on save using sanitize_text_field()

= 0.7 =

  • Altered the way in which meta is saved. Instead of saving everything in one option, they are now split per post type. All are prefixed with wpptm_ followed by the post type name
  • Added a before and after post type meta form hooks to allow developers to add content before and after the form output for post type meta.
  • Filtered to the post type meta title to allow developers to change the title output

= 0.6 =

  • Allow settings to be added to specified post types

= 0.5 =

  • Corrected an issue where a saved value for a text input was not displayed in the text input on the meta screen, although it was saved to the database.

= 0.4 =

  • Add post type meta menu item to all post types not just public ones.


07 Dec 20:39
Choose a tag to compare

Initial release on Github.