1. If you are planning to run nginx plus as apigateway then copy nginx plus license nginx-repo.crt & nginx-repo.key to /etc/ssl/nginx/
2. If you are planning to run nginx oss as apigateway then you don't need nginx plus license, however you will have to inspect the conf files inside to remove
certain directive which pertains to nginx plus. I have highlighted those directives with comments in the conf files.
# To build the Docker image : Run command from the folder containing the `Dockerfile`
$ docker build -t nginx-plus-api-gateway-simple .
# If you made changes to the Dockerfile and need to rebuild you probably need to use--no-cache
$ docker build -t nginx-plus-api-gateway-simple . --no-cache
# Start a new container and publish container ports 80 (HTTP), 443 (HTTPS), 8000 (Demo instructions) and 8080 (NGINX Plus Dashboard) to the host
$ docker run --name mynginxplus_simple -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 8080:8080 -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 -d nginx-plus-api-gateway-simple
# Open your favourite dashboard and enter the below url
$ http://localhost:8080/dashboard.html
# [If you're using httpie] Main API traffic flowing through port 80.
$ http :/warehouse-api/inventory
$ http :/warehouse-api/pricing
# [If you're using curl] Main API traffic flowing through port 80.
$ curl http://localhost/warehouse-api/inventory
$ curl http://localhost/warehouse-api/pricing
# [If you're using httpie] Main API traffic flowing through port 80.
$ http :8080/api/6/nginx
$ http :8080/api/6/http/upstreams
# [If you're using curl] Main API traffic flowing through port 80.
$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/6/nginx
$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/6/http/upstreams
# To list nginxplus running container
$ docker ps | grep mynginxplus_simple
# To stop the nginxplus running container
$ docker stop | docker ps | grep mynginxplus_simple
# To remoe the nginxplus iamge
$ docker rmi nginx-plus-api-gateway-simple