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Releases: wrpearson/fasta36


14 Nov 22:38
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The FASTA package - protein and DNA sequence similarity searching and alignment programs

This directory contains the source code for the FASTA package of
programs (W. R. Pearson and D. J. Lipman (1988), "Improved Tools
for Biological Sequence Analysis", PNAS 85:2444-2448). The current verion of the program is fasta-36.3.8i.

The FASTA package offers many of the same programs as BLAST, but
takes a different approach to statistical estimates, and provides
additional optimal programs for local (ssearch36) and global
(ggsearch36, glsearch36) alignment, and for non-overlapping
internal local alignments (lalign36).

The programs available include:

FASTA BLAST description

fasta36 blastp/blastn Protein and DNA local similarity search
ssearch36 optimal Smith-Waterman search -- vectorized on Intel and Arm architectures
ggsearch36 optimal global Needleman-Wunsche search -- vectorized on Intel and Arm architectures
glsearch36 optimal global(query)/local (library) search -- vectorized on Intel and Arm architectures
fastx36 / fasty36 blastx DNA query search against protein sequence database. (fasty36 uses a slower, more sophisticated frame shift aligner)
tfastx36 / tfasty36 tblastn protein query search against DNA database

fastf36 / tfastf36 compares an ordered peptide mixture against a protein (fastf36) or DNA (tfastf36) database
fastm36 / tfastm36 compares a set of ordered peptide against a protein (fastf36) or DNA (tfastf36) database or oligonucleotides against a DNA database
fasts36 / tfasts36 compares an unordered set of peptides against a protein (fasts36) or DNA (tfasts36) database

lalign36 look for non-overlapping internal alignments, similar to a "dot-plot," but with statistical signficance

Changes in fasta-36.3.8i Nov, 2022

  1. bug fix to remove duplicate variant annotations

  2. update to scripts/ and annotation scripts.

  3. modify code to reduce mktemp compilation warning messages

  4. changes to annotation scripts for Pfam shutdown; new,

Changes in fasta-36.3.8i Sept, 2021

  1. Enable translation table -t 9 for Echinoderms. This bug has existed
    since alternate translation tables were first made available.

Changes in fasta-36.3.8i May, 2021

  1. Add an option, -Xg, that preserves the gi|12345 string the score
    summary and alignment output.

Changes in fasta-36.3.8i Nov, 2020

  1. fasta-36.3.8i (November, 2020) incorporates the SIMDe
    macro definitions that allow the smith_waterman_sse2.c,
    global_sse2.c, and glocal_sse2.c code to be compiled on non-Intel
    architectures (currently tested on ARM/NEON). Many thanks to
    Michael R. Crusoe ( for the
    SIMDE code converstion, and to Evan Nemerson for creating SIMDe.

  2. The code to read FASTA format sequence files now ignores lines with
    '#' at the beginning, for compatibility with PSI Extended FASTA
    Format (PEFF) files (

Changes in fasta-36.3.8h May, 2020

  1. fasta-36.3.8h (May 2020) fixes a bug that appeared when
    multiple query sequences were searched against a large library
    that would not fit in memory. In that case, the number of
    library sequences and residues increased by the library size
    with each new search.

  2. More consistent formats for ERROR and Warning messages.

  3. Corrections to code to address compiler warnings with gcc8/9.

  4. addition of 's' option to show similarity in -m8CBls (or -m8CBs, -m8CBsl) and 'd' option to show raw (unaligned) domain information.

Changes in fasta-36.3.8h February, 2020

  1. The license for Michael Farrar's Smith-Waterman sse2 code and global/glocal sse2 code is now open source (BSD), see COPYRIGHT.sse2 for details.

Changes in fasta-36.3.8h August, 2019

  1. Modifications to support makeblastdb format v5 databases. Currently, only simple database reads have been tested.

Changes in fasta-36.3.8h March, 2019

  1. Translation table 1 (-t 1) now translates 'TGA'->'U' (selenocysteine).

  2. New script for extracting DNA sequences from genomes (scripts/ Currently works with human (hg38), mouse (mm10), and rat (rn6).

Changes in fasta-36.3.8h January, 2019

  1. Bug fixes: fastx/tfastx searches done with the -t t option (which adds a * to protein sequences so that termination codons can be matched), did not work properly with the VT series of matrices, particularly VT10. This has been fixed.

  2. New features: Both query and library/subject sequences can be generated by specifying a program script, either by putting a ! at the start of the query/subject file name, or by specifying library type 9. Thus, fasta36 \\!../scripts/ /seqlib/swissprot.fa or fasta36 "../scripts/ 9" /seqlib/swissprot.fa will compare two query sequences, P09488 and P30711, to SwissProt, by downloading them from Uniprot using the script (which can download sequences using either Uniprot or RefSeq protein accessions). Often, the leading ! must be escaped from shell interpretation with \\!.

New scripts that return FASTA sequences using accessions or genome coordinates are available in scripts/.,, and can download either protein or mRNA RefSeq entries. retrieves a protein and its isoforms from a MySQL database. extracts genome sequences using coordinates from local reference genomes (hg38 and mm10 included by default).

Changes in fasta-36.3.8h December, 2018

The scripts/ and now include the option --gen_coord which provides the associated genome coordinate (including chromosome) as a feature, indicated by '<' (start of exon) and '>' (end of exon).

Changes in fasta-36.3.8h released November, 2018

fasta-36.3.8h provides new scripts and modifications to the fasta programs that normalize the process of merging sub-alignment scores and region information into both FASTA and BLAST results. To move BLASTP towards FASTA with respect to alignment annotation and sub-alignment scoring:

  1. The runs a blast search, finds and scores domain information for the alignments, and merges this information back into the blast output .html file. This script uses:

    1. --query query.file --ann_script --q_ann_script blast.btab_file > blast.btab_file_ann (a blast tabular file with one or two new fields, an annotation field and (optionally with --dom_info) a raw domain content field.
    2. --btab blast.btab_file_ann blast.html > blast_ann.html (merge the annotations and domain content information in the blast.btab_file_ann file together with the standard blast output file to produce annotated alignments.
    3. In addition, is available to rename exons (later other domains) in the subject sequences to match the exon labeling in the aligned query sequence.
    4. can be used to adjust color sets for homologous domains.
  2. There is also an equivalent script that provides similar funtionality for the FASTA programs. This script does not need to use to produce domain subalignment scores (that functionality is provided in FASTA), but it also can use and to modify the names of the aligned exons/domains in the subject sequences.

  3. To support the independence of the blastp/fasta output from html annotation, the FASTA package includes some new options:

    1. The -m 8CBL option includes query sequence length and subject sequence length in the blast tabular output. In addition, if domain annotations are available, the raw domain coordinates are provided in an additional field after the annotation/subalignment scoring field. -m 8CBl provides the sequence lengths, but does not add the raw domain coordinates.

    2. The -Xa option prevents annotation information from being included in the html output -- it is only available in the -m 8CB (or -m 8CBL/l) output

    3. To reduce problems with spaces in script arguements, annotation scripts with spaces separating arguments can use '+' instead of ' '.

    4. The script produces both a conventional alignment on stdout and a -m 8CBL alignment, which is sent to a separate file, which is separated from the -m F8CBL option with a =, thus -m F8CBL=tmp_output.blast_tab.

Changes in fasta-36.3.8g released 23-Oct-2018

  1. (Oct. 2018) Improvements to scripts in the psisearch2/ directory:

    1. psisearch2/
      1. the --clustal option produces a "CLUSTALW (1.8)", which is required for some downstream programs
      2. the --trunc_acc option removes the database and accession from identifiers of the form: sp|P09488|GSTM1_HUMAN to produce GSTM1_HUMAN.
Read more


07 May 19:24
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The FASTA package - protein and DNA sequence similarity searching and alignment programs

The FASTA (pronounced FAST-Aye, not FAST-Ah) programs are a comprehensive set of similarity searching and alignment programs for searching protein and DNA sequence databases. Like the BLAST programs blastp and blastn, the fasta program itself uses a rapid heuristic strategy for finding similar regions in protein and DNA sequences. But in addition to heuristic similarity searching, the FASTA package provides
programs for rigorous local (ssearch) and global (ggsearch) similarity searching, as well as a program for finding non-overlapping sequence similarities (lalign). Like BLAST, the FASTA package also includes programs for aligning translated DNA sequences against proteins (fastx, fasty are equivalent to blastx, and tfastx, tfasty are similar to tblastn).

See doc/ and doc/readme.v36 for a more complete summary of changes.

May, 2020

  1. fix a bug that appeared when
    multiple query sequences were searched against a large library
    that would not fit in memory. In that case, the number of
    library sequences and residues increased by the library size
    with each new search.

  2. More consistent formats for *** ERROR and *** Warning messages.

  3. Corrections to code to address compiler warnings with gcc8/9.

Feb, 2020

The major update in this release is the change of the license terms
for the SSE2 accelerated versions of the Smith-Waterman and
global/glocal alignment algorithms. All of the FASTA package is now
distributed under open source licesnses, either Apache (for the
majority of the code) or BSD (for the SSE2 accelerated code).

August, 2019

Bug fix to recover properly when memory mapped databases are too large.

Modifications to support makeblastdb format v5 databases. Currently,
only simple database reads have been tested.

March, 2019

An updated release of the FASTA package (fasta-36.3.8h) is
available. In addition to minor bug fixes, the latest version can
generate query and library sequences using program scripts.

December, 2018

The latest version of the FASTA package is fasta-36.3.8h, Dec. 2018.

See doc/ for a more complete summary of changes.

November, 2018

The current released version of the FASTA package is fasta-36.3.8h, Nov. 2018

See doc/ for a more complete summary of changes.

October, 2018

The current version of the FASTA package is fasta-36.3.8g, Oct. 2018

See doc/ for a more complete summary of changes.

April, 2018

The current version of the FASTA package is fasta-36.3.8g, Apr. 2018

December, 2017

The current FASTA version is fasta-36.3.8g, Dec. 2017

The statistics routines for normally distributed scores (ggsearch36,
glsearch36) are more robust to very low E()-value thresholds.

Sept, 2017

The current FASTA version is fasta-36.3.8f, Sept. 2017

If the -S option is used and a query sequence has no upper case
letters, it is re-read with lower-case letters converted to upper-case.

May, 2017

The current FASTA version is fasta-36.3.8f, May. 2017

Various bugs in sub-alignment scoring corrected and support for the
EBI SP:GSTM1_HUMAN P09488 added. The format for the $SRCH_URL and
$SRCH_URL2 format strings has changed to enable pairwise alignment.

September, 2016

The fasta-36.3.6e version includes a new directory, psisearch2, with
scripts to run iterative PSSM (PSI-BLAST or SSEARCH36) searches using
an improved strategy for reducing PSSM contamination due to alignment

As of November, 2014, the FASTA program code is available under the
Apache 2.0 open source license.

Up-to-date release notes are available in the file doc/readme.v36.

Documentation on the FASTA programs is available in the files:

dir/file description
doc/fasta36.1 (unix man page)
doc/changes_v36.html (short descriptions of enhancements to FASTA programs)
doc/readme.v36 (text descriptions of bug fixes and version history)
doc/fasta_guide.tex (Latex file which describes fasta36, and provides an introduction to the FASTA programs, their use and installation.)
doc/fasta_guide.pdf1 (printable/viewable description of fasta-36)

fasta_guide.pdf provides background information on installing the
fasta programs (in particular, the FASTLIBS file), that new users of
the fasta3 package may find useful.

Parts of the FASTA package are distributed across several sub-directories

dir description
bin/ (pre-compiled binaries for some architectures)
conf/ example FASTLIBS files (files for finding libraries)
data/ scoring matrices
doc/ documentation files
make/ make files
misc/ perl scripts to reformat -m 9 output, convert -R search.res files for 'R', and embed domains in shuffled sequences
psisearch2/ perl/python scripts implementing the new psisearch2_msa iterative PSSM search
scripts/ perl scripts for -V (annotate alignments) and -E (expand library) options
seq/ test sequences
src/ source code
sql/ sql files and scripts for using the sql database access
test/ test scripts

For some binary distributions, only the doc/, data/, seq/, and bin/,
directories are provided.

To make the standard FASTA programs:

   cd src
   make -f ../make/Makefile.linux_sse2 all

where ../make/Makefile.linux_sse2 is the appropriate Makefile for your system.

The executable programs will then be found in ../bin
(e.g. ../bin/fasta36, etc.)

For a simple test of a program, try (from the src directory)

   ../bin/fasta36 -q ../seq/mgstm1.aa ../seq/prot_test.lseg


31 Dec 21:51
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The FASTA package - protein and DNA sequence similarity searching and alignment programs

Changes in fasta-36.3.8g released October, 2018

  1. psisearch2/

    1. the --clustal option produces a "CLUSTALW (1.8)", which is required for some downstream programs

    2. the --trunc_acc option removes the database and accession from identifiers of the form:
      sp|P09488|GSTM1_HUMAN to produce GSTM1_HUMAN.

    3. the --min_align option specifies the fraction of the query sequence that must be aligned

    Together, these changes make it possible for the output of to be used by
    the EMBOSS program fprotdist.

  2. A more general implementation of, which does psisearch2 one iteration at a time, and a new equivalent, which uses psiblast to do the search.

  3. A small restructuring of the make/Makefiles to remove the -lz dependence for non-debugging scripts (and add it back when -DDEBUG is used).

Changes in fasta-36.3.8g released 5-Aug-2018

  1. (Apr 2018) incorporation of "-t t" temrination codes ("*") in -m 8CB, -m 8CC, and -m9C so that aligned termination codons are indicated as "**" (-m8CB) or
    "*1" (-m8CC, -m9C).

  2. (Mar 2018) Updates to scripts/ to provide
    subalignment scoring for blastp searches (BLOSUM62 only). (see

  3. (Feb. 2018) a new extended option, -XB, which causes percent
    identity, percent similarity, and alignment length to be calculated
    using the BLAST model, which does not count gaps in the alignment

see readme.v36 for other bug fixes.

Changes in fasta-36.3.8g released 31-Dec-2017

  1. (December, 2017) -- Make statistical thresholds more robust for
    small E()-values with normally distributed scores (ggsearch36,

  2. (September, 2017) Treat all lower-case queries as uppercase with -S option.

  3. (May, 2017) Improvements/fixes to sub-alignment scoring strategies.

  4. Improvements/fixes to psisearch2 scripts.

For more detailed information, see doc/readme.v36.


13 Apr 17:39
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The FASTA package - protein and DNA sequence similarity searching and alignment programs

Changes in fasta-36.3.8d released 13-April-2016:

  1. Various bug fixes to pssm_asn_subs.c that avoid coredumps when
    reading NCBI PSSM ASN.1 binary files. pssm_asn_subs.c can now read
    UUPACAA sequences.
  2. default gap penalties for VT40 (from -14/-2 to -13/-1), VT80 (from
    -14/-2 to -11/-1), and VT120 (from -10/-1 to 11/-1) have changed
  3. Introduction of scripts/ and
    scripts/, which uses the BTOP (-m 9B or -m 8CB)
    encoded alignment strings to produce a query driving multiple
    sequence alignment (MSA) in ClustalW format. This MSA can be used
    as input to psiblast to produce an ASN.1 PSSM.
  4. The scripts/ script replaces
    scripts/ and allows annotation of both the query
    and subject sequences.
  5. Various domain annotation scripts have been renamed for clarity.
    For example, uses an SQL implementation of
    Uniprot features tables to annotate domains. Likewise, gets domain information from the Pfam web site,
    while gets the information from the downloaded
    Pfam27 mySQL tables, and uses the Pfam28 mySQL
  6. percent identity in sub-alignment scores is calculated like a BLAST
    percent identity -- gaps are not included in the denominator.

For more detailed information, see doc/readme.v36.