wsdebug is a debugger for the whitespace programming language. On the whole it's something quite like the GNU debugger 'gdb'. However not so bulky and featurerich.
In fact it's just a little tool, aiming to help out if you got lost somewhere in your Whitespace code. If you get to the point where you can't remember the whole stack and heap, just call this fancy tool, step to where you lost the way and glance at the stack (or heap).
In future releases I even want to supply an editing thingy, so you can easily manipulate stack as well as heap memory. In the long run I'd like to have some state-storing mechanism := so you are able to say 'save state now', debugging somewhere in the program and step from there. Then enter 'restore' and try stepping from there again :)
You wonder why your interpreter just stops working somewhere, but don't have a clue, where? - execute with wsdebug and have a look.
wsdebug makes use of the GNU MP library (a library for arbitrary precision arithmetic), if you've got that one on your system. The advantage of this library is, that numbers won't be limited. Thus if you'd like to calculate the faculty of 1000, you can do so with GNU MP, but not without it.
This program defaults to make use of this library since the original whitespace interpreter makes use of it as well. The price for using it - however - is, much slower execution speed and higher memory consumption.
So if you don't really want to calculate with large integers, you probably want to disable this feature. On very powerful equipment you probably don't want to hesitate but enable it.
Hey, please mail it to me, I'm rather interested in such (weird) stuff. If you want me to put it into some archives on wsdebug homepage, don't hesitate, but ask me to.
Please see the GitHub repository and webpage of wsdebug. There you'll find a Bug-Tracker and probably everything else you need to have.
If you want to contact me by mail, please write to