This is a "Hello World" Python and Lua script on how to talk to WTI devices with RESTful calls.
This Get Temperature
Python and Lua script will work on any modern WTI device, the temperature RESTful call is universal on all WTI OOB and PDU type devices making it the perfect starting point to start learning and experimenting with the RESTful interface.
By default, WTI has setup a unit that everyone can try. The default BASE_PATH and USERNAME and PASSWORD can be used to query the WTI device without physically having one and get the general look and feel of the calls.
If you have your own WTI device, in the Python script you need to change:
- SITE_NAME: The address of your WTI device
- BASE_PATH: The path of the Temperature call.
- USERNAME and PASSWORD: The correct values for a Username/Password of your WTI device if using BASIC Authentication.
- PASSWORD: The correct values for a User Token of your WTI device if using User Token Authentication
On the WTI device itself you need to make sure that the user you are logging on has "Service Access" to run RESTful API calls. If you need help with this, you can get details at this link.
lua temp.lua
The current temperature, degree units and the timestamp of the device will display on the screen.
The HTML, RAML OR OpenAPI/Swagger file relating to the RESTful API calls can be found here:
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions you can email us at
WTI - Western Telematic, Inc. 5 Sterling, Irvine, California 92618
Western Telematic Inc. was founded in 1964 and is an industry leader in designing and manufacturing power management and remote console management solutions for data centers and global network locations. Our extensive product line includes Intelligent PDUs for remote power distribution, metering, reporting and control, Serial Console Servers, RJ45 A/B Fallback Switches and Automatic Power Transfer Switches.