is a migration CLI written in Go for migrating index mapping and data from one elasticsearch to another.
Elasticsearch version | Esdump version | Remarks |
7.x | 2.x | Actively maintained. |
6.x | 1.x | Actively maintained. |
5.x | 1.x | Actively maintained. |
- If go version < 1.17,
go get -v
- If go version >= 1.17,
go install -v
➜ ~ esdump -h
migrate index from one elasticsearch to another
esdump [flags]
-d, --date string date field of docs
--desc ascending or descending order by the date type field specified by date flag
-e, --end string end date, use time.Local as time zone, you may need to set TZ environment variable ahead
--excludes string excludes fields, multiple fields are separated by comma
-h, --help help for esdump
--includes string includes fields, multiple fields are separated by comma
-i, --input string source elasticsearch connection url
-l, --limit int limit for one scroll, it takes effect on the dumping speed (default 1000)
-o, --output string target elasticsearch connection url
-s, --start string start date, use time.Local as time zone, you may need to set TZ environment variable ahead
--step duration step duration (default 24h0m0s)
-t, --type string migration type, such as "mapping", "data", empty means both
-v, --version version for esdump
-z, --zone string time zone of the date type field specified by date flag (default "UTC")
export TZ=Asia/Shanghai && esdump --input=http://localhost:9200/test --output=http://localhost:9200/test_dump --date=pubAt --start=2019-01-01 --zone=UTC --step=72h --excludes=html