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Wuyi Chen edited this page Jun 8, 2019 · 32 revisions



Official Name Directory Name Application Name Host Port
Config Server config-server configserver localhost 8888
Eureka Server eureka-server eurekaserver localhost 8761
Zipkin Server zipkin-server zipkinserver localhost 9411
Zuul Server zuul-server zuulservice localhost 5555


Official Name Directory Name Application Name Host Port
Licensing Service licensing-service licensingservice localhost 8080
Organization Service organization-service organizationservice localhost 8060
Authentication Service authentication-service authenticationservice localhost 8901
Specialroutes Service specialroutes-service specialroutesservice localhost 8040


Host Port Database Table Belong to Server/Service
localhost 3306 test licenses Licensing Service
localhost 3306 test organizations Organization Service
localhost 3306 test users Authentication Service
localhost 3306 test user_roles Authentication Service
localhost 3306 test user_orgs Authentication Service
localhost 3306 test abtesting Special Routes Service

Message Queue

Application Host Port Version
Apache ZooKeeper localhost 2181 3.4.14
Apache Kafka localhost 9092 2.2.0


Application Host Port Version
Redis localhost 6379 5.0.4

Log Server

Location Solution Host Port Version
Local Splunk localhost 8000
Remote Papertrail 50395 7.2.6

Server/Service Starting Dependencies

No. Server/Service Name Description Hard Dependencies Soft Dependencies
1 Config Server Provide the configuration parameters for other services None None
2 Eureka Server Provide the service discovery functionality None None
3 Zuul Server Provide the service gateway functionality Eureka Server Special Routes Service
4 Zipkin Server Collect tracing data None None
5 Organization Service Manage (query, add, update, delete) organization records. Eureka Server, Config Server, ZooKeeper, Kafka None
6 Licensing Service Manage (query, add, update, delete) license records. Eureka Server, Config Server, ZooKeeper, Kafka Organization Service
7 Special Routes Service Provide an alternate endpoint for a certain service Eureka Server, Config Server None
8 Authentication Service Issue and validate access tokens. Eureka Server, Config Server None
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