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Wuyi Chen edited this page May 8, 2019 · 32 revisions



Official Name Directory Name Application Name Port
Config Server config-server configserver 8888
Eureka Server eureka-server 8761
Zipkin Server zipkin-server 9411
Zuul Server zuul-server zuulservice 5555


Official Name Directory Name Application Name Port
Licensing Service licensing-service licensingservice 8080
Organization Service organization-service organizationservice 8060
Authentication Service authentication-service authenticationservice 8901
Specialroutes Service specialroutes-service specialroutesservice 8040

Server/Service Starting Dependencies

No. Server/Service Name Description Hard Dependencies Soft Dependencies
1 Config Server Provide the configuration parameters for other services None None
1 Eureka Server Provide the service discovery functionality None None
3 Zuul Server Provide the service gateway functionality Eureka Server Special Routes Service
4 Organization Service Eureka Server, Config Server, ZooKeeper, Kafka None
5 Licensing Service Eureka Server, Config Server, ZooKeeper, Kafka Organization Service
6 Special Routes Service Provide an alternate endpoint for a certain service Eureka Server, Config Server None
7 Authentication Service Eureka Server, Config Server None


Table Belong to Server/Service
licenses Licensing Service
organizations Organization Service
users Authentication Service
user_roles Authentication Service
user_orgs Authentication Service
abtesting Special Routes Service
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