This is a website based off of FIFA's Ultimate Team (FUT) where your goal is to build the best draft possible from a virtual card deck of players from the mouse game Transformice (TFM).
A new 2020 version is on the works, titled Transformice Ultimate Team (TUT).
This game is deployed on the following link, ready for play;
It can also be ran locally by following the instructions below;
Note that these steps assume knowledge of the command line, and that git and npm should be installed.
The following commands executed in the terminal clones the project repository locally and moves into the new directory;
git clone
cd Souper-Card-Game-2016
I have been using the "harp" npm service to quickly instantiate web servers locally for testing the game, it can be installed via;
sudo npm install -g harp
Once installed, the web server can be instantiated using the following command below, and then the game is deployed locally at localhost:9000
harp server