My dotfiles settings. zsh+oh-my-zsh+tmux+vim.
- vim
- tmux
- zsh
- oh-my-zsh
- p10k
git clone && cd dotfiles && ./install
You can pick up a theme at windows terminal themes. Click the get theme
button below to copy the style and paste it to the settings.json
in Windows Terminal. (currently using BlulocoDark
Currently using zsh.
Installed oh-my-zsh to manage my zsh configuration. oh-my-zsh have a lot of themes, you can pick a style you like in Themes in ohmyzsh.
I am using powerlevel10k and highly recommend it. It is easy to install and configure.
to configure zsh by omz. -
After editing
, usesource ~/.zshrc
to update zsh.
Mixed with some of tmux theme schemes and self-made this style.
Installed tpm as my tmux plugin manager.
All the plugins are in tmux/.tmux/plugin
Default color in tmux is 8 colors. You could use
echo $TERM
to see the difference.You need to edit
to change default terminal to 256. -
After editing
, usetmux source .tmux.conf
to update tmux.
I am using the default color scheme in vim.
Installed vim-plug to manage vim plugins.
All the vim plugins are in vim/.vim/plugged
. Color schemes can either be installed as a plugin with vim-plug or download to vim/.vim/colors
Use PlugInstall!
and PlugUpdate!
to install and update plugins in vim.
no such file or directory: $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/ Install oh-my-zsh
[oh-my-zsh] theme 'powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k' not found Install p10k
git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k