A Proxmox VE (PVE) dedicated DDNS updater written in C++
pve-ddns-client is a DDNS updater designed specifically for the Proxmox VE (PVE) virtualization management platform. Generally deployed in the PVE host system, it is used to update DDNS domain records for host and all guests (including KVM and LXC guests). Also it can be deployed on any device that can access the PVE host API (in this case, DDNS updating of LXC guests will not work, since pct command line tool can only be accessed from the PVE host system). It can even be deployed as a normal DDNS updater (when only the client section is specified in the configuration file).
- pve-ddns-client.yml yaml config file
# General configuration
# Update interval in milliseconds, only for service mode
update-interval-ms: 300000
# Log overdue days
log-overdue-days: 3
# Log buffer seconds
log-buf-secs: 2
# Max size per log file in megabytes
max-log-size-mb: 2
# Long-running service mode
service-mode: true
# Public IP getter
# Service type: porkbun, ipify
service: porkbun
# Credentials
# porkbun: api_key,secret_key
# ipify: leave empty
credentials: api_key,secret_key
# PVE API access
# API root url
host: https://pve.domain.com:8006
# Username
user: root
# Realm
realm: pam
# Token ID
token-id: ddns
# Token UUID
token-uuid: uuid
# Special feature for syncing host static IPv6 address with guest DHCP IPv6 address
sync_host_static_v6_address: false
# Client DDNS configuration (when working as a normal DDNS updater)
# DNS service type: porkbun, dnspod, cloudflare
dns: dnspod
# Credentials
# porkbun: api_key,secret_key
# dnspod: token_id,token
# cloudflare: api_token
credentials: token_id,token
# IPv4 (A record) domains
ipv4: ["v4sub1.domain.com", "v4sub2.domain.com"]
# IPv6 (AAAA record) domains
ipv6: ["v6sub1.domain.com", "v6sub2.domain.com"]
# PVE host DDNS configuration
# Node name
node: node
# Network interface name
iface: vmbr0
# DNS service type, refer to client section
dns: porkbun
# Credentials, refer to client section
credentials: api_key,secret_key
# IPv4 (A record) domains
ipv4: ["v4sub1.domain.com", "v4sub2.domain.com"]
# IPv6 (AAAA record) domains
ipv6: ["v6sub1.domain.com", "v6sub2.domain.com"]
# PVE guest DDNS configuration, basically same as host section with an additional VM id
# KVM guest example
- node: node
vmid: 100
iface: ens18
dns: porkbun
credentials: api_key,secret_key
ipv4: ["v4sub1.domain.com", "v4sub2.domain.com"]
ipv6: ["v6sub1.domain.com", "v6sub2.domain.com"]
# LXC guest example (must run inside PVE host system for this to work)
- node: node
vmid: 101
iface: eth0
dns: porkbun
credentials: api_key,secret_key
ipv4: ["v4sub1.domain.com", "v4sub2.domain.com"]
ipv6: ["v6sub1.domain.com", "v6sub2.domain.com"]
- Command line parameters
usage: ./pve-ddns-client [options] ...
-v, --version Print version
-h, --help Show usage
-c, --config Config yaml file to load (string [=./pve-ddns-client.yml])
-l, --log Log file path (string [=./])
Please refer to GitHub Actions workflow:https://github.com/wzkres/pve-ddns-client/blob/main/.github/workflows/cmake.yml
一款C++开发的针对Proxmox VE环境的DDNS自动更新程序
本程序用于配合Proxmox VE(以下简称PVE)虚拟化环境下的宿主机和客户机动态IP(DHCP)变化,自动更新相关域名记录。一般部署于PVE宿主系统中(可同时支持宿主、KVM客户、LXC客户系统的动态IP域名更新),也可部署在任意可访问到PVE宿主API的设备上(此时由于无法调用宿主系统上的pct命令行工具,所有LXC客户系统将无法正常更新DDNS域名),甚至可以作为普通DDNS更新程序部署在任何设备上(配置文件中仅指定client配置)。
- pve-ddns-client.yml 配置文件说明:
# 通用配置
# 更新间隔时间,单位毫秒,仅服务模式时有效
update-interval-ms: 300000
# 日志保留时间,单位天
log-overdue-days: 3
# 日志缓冲时间,单位秒
log-buf-secs: 2
# 日志文件滚动大小,单位兆
max-log-size-mb: 2
# 是否作为服务模式启动
service-mode: true
# 公网IP获取方式
# 服务类型,可选值为 porkbun, ipify
service: porkbun
# 服务鉴权信息
# porkbun为 api_key,secret_key 的格式
# ipify不需要鉴权
credentials: api_key,secret_key
# Proxmox VE API访问相关配置
# API访问地址
host: https://pve.domain.com:8006
# 用户名
user: root
# realm
realm: pam
# Token ID
token-id: ddns
# Token UUID
token-uuid: uuid
# 特殊功能,根据VM的动态IPv6地址,更新宿主系统的静态IPv6地址
sync_host_static_v6_address: false
# 客户端DDNS配置(运行本程序的系统,不一定是PVE的宿主,此时本程序工作方式与一般DDNS更新程序类似)
# 服务类型,可选值为 porkbun, dnspod, cloudflare
dns: dnspod
# 鉴权信息
# porkbun为 api_key,secret_key 的格式
# dnspod为 token_id,token 的格式
# cloudflare诶 api_token 的格式
credentials: token_id,token
# 所有需要更新IPv4 A记录的域名
ipv4: ["v4sub1.domain.com", "v4sub2.domain.com"]
# 所有需要更新IPv6 AAAA记录的域名
ipv6: ["v6sub1.domain.com", "v6sub2.domain.com"]
# node名
node: node
# 网卡名
iface: vmbr0
# 服务类型,参考client部分说明
dns: porkbun
# 鉴权信息,参考client部分说明
credentials: api_key,secret_key
# 所有需要更新IPv4 A记录的域名
ipv4: ["v4sub1.domain.com", "v4sub2.domain.com"]
# 所有需要更新IPv6 AAAA记录的域名
ipv6: ["v6sub1.domain.com", "v6sub2.domain.com"]
# PVE客户虚拟机DDNS配置,除需指定vmid外,其它配置项与host一致
# KVM客户系统节点示例
- node: node
vmid: 100
iface: ens18
dns: porkbun
credentials: api_key,secret_key
ipv4: ["v4sub1.domain.com", "v4sub2.domain.com"]
ipv6: ["v6sub1.domain.com", "v6sub2.domain.com"]
# LXC客户系统节点示例(此时程序需运行在PVE宿主系统上)
- node: node
vmid: 101
iface: eth0
dns: porkbun
credentials: api_key,secret_key
ipv4: ["v4sub1.domain.com", "v4sub2.domain.com"]
ipv6: ["v6sub1.domain.com", "v6sub2.domain.com"]
- 程序参数说明
usage: ./pve-ddns-client [options] ...
-v, --version 显示版本号
-h, --help 显示使用说明
-c, --config 指定配置文件(默认 ./pve-ddns-client.yml)
-l, --log 指定日志保存位置(默认 ./)
请参考GitHub Actions workflow:https://github.com/wzkres/pve-ddns-client/blob/main/.github/workflows/cmake.yml